Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Dedication Yellow Boots

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Yellow Boots 1-21 Copyright Joseph philip Musgrave

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Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Earth Date May 31th 2022

Before the war In Ukraine, and before the mass shootings.
I sat at my computer to wright a short story in February of 2022, about anything.
I wrote about a little girl, “Boots,” walking home from school.
I was writing about my own memories of walking home from school.
I did not know then that the story I was writing would be one chapter of more the fifty one chapters.
With a storyline that followed the life of a young girl’s journey to young womanhood.
It is a story cushioned by the constant unspoken love of her parents.
A life full of challenge and self-discipline.
An uncommon life. By no means ordinary. This is a story of dreams about the love we must have in our lives to grow and survive. It is a story of Potential of Possibility. So, I dedicated this story to all the Children. Who lost the chance to become their best?
This dialogue will stand as testament to disable children never loved, abused children, children the victims of war. Children lost in mass shootings. Here it is all over again for you to read. In blog Format

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