Showing posts with label Bridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridge. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


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All Photos Copyright Phil Musgrave no changes or copying without written premission

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The Allen's Bridge Reconstuction
A feat of Human Engineering

cr Phil Musgrave

The Allens Bridge in Guelph is actually Four Bridges and that's what makes this project so fantastic.
The mathematics involved in getting this project done are mind-boggling.
First of all consider that there are two Railway Bridges one goes under the other. There are two traffic bridges, one no longer in use. There is a four-lane bridge that has replaced the old two lane bridge, across the River running parallel to the old bridge that used to carry traffic from the Elizabeth, Grove, and Arthur, area to the downtown major Center of Commerce. When Guelph was that much smaller. Now that bridge connects to Wellington Street, which is a direct connection to Gordon. So the traffic bridge sees a fair amount of traffic.
So the idea is to build a 2 track railway on the Upper Bridge of Allen's Bridge. So when you think about this project from the beginning to the end taking it step-by-step the first thing that had to be done was the disconnection of a pipe from Allen's Bridge that carried fibre optic cable. This was done using a crane. Detaching the pipe hanging in a rope cradle.
The next thing that had to be done was the steel sections of the bridge that had to be replaced. This was done on weekends over the summer and autumn. These parts of the bridge had a considerable amount of weight so did the crane and counter weight. So what had to be calculated first Was Would the Road Bridge take the weight of a crane with counterweights and the weight for the pieces of the bridge. it seems to have done so.
So in my pictures you will see the gap, there is a section of the bridge that is missing. that section is about to be replaced. However, it being wet and rainy I wasn't going to hang around and let my camera get wet. So this is what happened: the crane in the picture is preparing To Lift a section of the last section of the upper Bridge into place. I have tried to include in my photographs pictures of the bridge and pictures of the gap that is to be replaced by the new bridge piece that is on the ground.

All about Cranes






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City News Interview with Harjeet Sehgal
City Water

Crossing Allan's Bridge twice

The Great Train Move

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Lisa Cunningham the power of a Guelph Library Card

Editorial Why so Many Homeless

Building The Future Allens Bridge


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Crossing Alan's Bridge With a Second track

City of Guelph NEWS

Copyright Phil Musgrave

Phil Musgrave: Intview with

Interview with Harjeet Sehgal Customer Service Clerk-III
Business Services, Environmental Services (Water Supply)
City of Guelph
Question: Is there any concern in the Guelph area for lead or waterborne disease?
Guelph’s water quality is excellent. The ground acts as a natural filter, and the City uses ultraviolet technology and chlorine as additional protection, including against waterborne diseases, to ensure the safety of the water as it travels from the source to your tap. The water we deliver to private household plumbing meets or does better than Ontario’s drinking water quality standards.
While there are no concerns about lead levels in our municipal drinking water supply, some older homes still have lead pipes within private plumbing. We have a rebate program to help people replace lead pipes in their homes:
Queation: What Does healthy under road infrastructure look like? More information about Guelph’s water supply:Ground waterTesting /
Guelph water quality reports:
Your inquiry also suggests you’re interested in asset management. Check out our information online which includes links to reports and more details about all of Guelph’s infrastructure:
Question: Is PVC piping safe? Similarly for your questions concerning PVC as a watermain material type, I would direct you to Health Canada’s Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document (section 5 - Vinyl Chloride) for additional information on this material type used throughout the global water industry. In accordance with this document the City uses NSF/ANSI Standard 61 grade PVC pipes where appropriate through construction and alterations to the drinking water system and distributes only cold water to customers.

City of Guelph NEWS

Copyright Phil Musgrave

Lisa Cunningham (She/Her) Marketing & Communications Coordinator,

Main Library

The Power of library card

There is nothing more empowering than getting your own library card. With your Guelph Public Library card, you can pursue your passions and dreams – with online courses, resume and tutoring services, take-home technology plus enjoy thousands of books, ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs and more. Visit any one of our six locations to sign up for a library card or register online.
Discover exciting new books, explore Guelph’s history, join a free program,
immerse yourself in our state of the art Makerspace,
research your family history, stream movies and music or enjoy essential services such as WiFi , computer access and our online resources.
Guelph Public Library staff are here to support you. Let us help you get connected to your next great read, your community, your home away from home. Learn more about all of the wonderful library services awaiting you at Read what Steve Kraft has to say about The New MAIN Library Virtual Class Visits for tots


Editorial Opinion Homeless for Thanksgiving

Editorial Opinion Homeless for Thanksgiving

It always happens this time of year. you have to call the landlord at least once to remind them that the heat is not on. The thing is, as you get older, the more you notice the small things. Like the heat being off. Maybe there are two many people in the world. Maybe we should have stopped at 6 billion. After all it seems there are surplus people lying on the street in Toronto. While the hungry pigeons peck greedily at the half opened plastic wrapped sandwich left on the sidewalk beside them by some loving member of the congragation of St. Jude’s. Who of course would not be there were it not for the government fund granted the church to take care of the poor.
Then there are the lineups at the church of the mentally ill, the drug addicts and the poor. all lined up to get themselves a meal for one day. Oh Canada takes good care of refugees. They are bussed to language classes and soon they are placed in an apartment with updated sewer and water and even fiber optic cable is installed. Then they go to work in local factories
While across the street a buildings management is busy updating their property to make it more sellable. So the company can flip it maybe to another landlord in their own real estate group.. The fourth landlord in ten years. Cameras are installed, walls are painted and the Laundry room updated.
heat is kept too low so as not to burn to much Natural gas.
The Problem we run into here is apartments only update after the tenant dies or leaves, and repairs are not being made in a timely manner. People living in the building can get sick from improper ventilation or bad water. There can sometimes be 4 levels of administration to a building. Making it very hard to get things fixed.
Temporary homeless shelters are playing a numbers game with the government and are top heavy with highly paid administration. These shelters have a maximum of 29 days then you can’t come back for a year. You don’t want one in your neighborhood because of litter, noise and needles on the ground.
And ODSP and community housing are outright hostile in there relationships with clients Yes it is time for the government to step in and really help the homeless help themselves this is a province wide emergency.