Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Novel Yellow Boots Fiction 2022 By Joseph Philip Musgrave

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Yellow Boots 1-21 Copyright Joseph philip Musgrave

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Fiction By Phil Musgrave: with help from Microsoft Editor

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Yellow Boots one

Earth Date January 26 2022

Dance, plow, dam, stomp, their way home from school. A spring day, still snow, but before the Dandelion Yellow.
Mom and Dad and A, B, C, where the known world of a little girl walking home from school.
Her favorite, mostly pink, little dress, and her backpack that had wax crayons in it.
Winters grip was finally easing creating ice edges along the concert walk and under them the tiny river of icy water would sneak as if trying to hide the secret of spring.
That is where she would stomp her yellow boot to bring the cold liquid out of hiding. Rushing now down the cement walk to defy the old man and bring closer the yellow sun even if rain.
The stark black and white, and cold of the past winter, that the girl knew was natural, was to give way to spring. Nature in carelessness had brought on the falling of the leaves when she had first gone to school, in what was to her was a long time ago. This had taken her into a winter cold, interrupted only by the ornamental light and harmonized beautiful human voices. This too she understood. Humankind being a part of nature would respond to the seasonal beauty
The harshness of February cold that nipped at her toes and the winds of march had passed and she now stood in a moment, in April, with her yellow boots in a black puddle. Her developing mind, now just able to gasp the effect of an earth that pushed its face one cheek at a time to a warm yellow sun.

Fiction By Phil Musgrave:

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Yellow boots episode two

Earth Date January 26 2022

Boots was her nick name, and her brother would make it stick, right now as Boots ate dinner her brother.
“Lucas” was sitting in his combo highchair car seat with an arrowroot cookie in his mouth.
Boots had noticed it in his pudgy hand as he greeted her by waving his arms in the air and saying, “sissser,” and then in the vernacular, Mommy look, at age 3 he was starting to talk. The cookie, Boots had noticed the cookie was digested in the mouth rather than the stomach. Chewed on, or rather gummed on, to become a gooey mess that stuck to anything in the near vicinity of him.
Bee as she would come to call him. Supper with the family was ok, tonight prepared by Dad it was spinach sweet potato and fried sea bass fillets. It was a love hate relationship with her brother and her supper. “I don’t like it,” she screamed in a piercing pitch that made tears come to her eyes
“Tell you what,” Dad his voice in a whisper, I ‘ll put butter on it you liked it with butter last time. Then I bought peach pie and vanilla ice cream “ Boots did not know why she did not like the green steamed spinach, she had eaten it before, but the promise of pie made her smile.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 3

Earth Date Febuary 3rd 2022

Boots real name was Karhen Kylyle she was the daughter of Richard and Apple Kylyle. Boots father was a professor of sociology and political science, at University of Waterloo in Waterloo Canada. He was holding a class lecture in the Humanities Theater He started with the statement “Adults are more resistant to change,” he spoke into the lectern microphone.”

“Once they have what they want in life, a House, a partner, a Job, they do not what change much. Yes, Improvement but not radical change. Not a change that will hurt their way of life.”
“If you have this lifestyle right now in Canada, you have it made. The price of housing is going up well above the inflation rate, so you are well protected.”

“The innocent mind of a child can contain the seed of a revolution. A child’s Mind does not understand the world history that proceeded them. You see a child’s life is a constant Progression forward From Grade one, two, three,” A child’s brain knows nothing of the history of the past. A young person must can be taught history At certain ages a child learns through osmosis, through many sources.”

Boots is in the bath, she is looking at her body, as any child will, now, she is a little older and can understand certain concepts, her body is not like her brothers. She has an extra big bone that will push her legs apart that the top as she Grows. The pelvic arch, she learned about it online and from the nurse at school. Then she looks at her thumbs turning them upward like she is hitchhiking, and she is aware that the two are different the skin on the joints does not wrinkle the same way. “This one is from Daddy I know because he showed me his thumbs. At least one of his thumbs looked like this one. Mommy does not have any thumbs that look like mine. But Granny does

So, she is out of the bath. She knocks on daddy’s home office door when it opens, before he can say anything. Boots Blurts out, “Daddy am I a variant” Dad picks her up and hugs her “No” he says Your just my daughter.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 4

Earth Date Febuary 3rd 2022

“Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, the seasons of our lives. Now I want you to take that line and write a three-paragraph story about it. I want it at the end of class on day 2 next week.”

Boot was in class. Boots liked this class mostly because of the teacher Ms. A Dell. Ms. Dell had been an elementary English Teacher for 18 years, but she carried the weight of those years well. Hair with no sign of gray, Thanks to the arduous work of, Roots End Hair Styling. Situated on the only two intersecting streets of the village she lived in about ten miles by car from Waterloo.

Boots was now deep in thought. "What season was it for Mrs. Dell?" Boots thought about her mother.

A good teacher and a reasonable man Mr. Kylyle is a tenured professor, in the Summer of his life. He stands only five foot six inches tall a stocky man with a big red mustache and red hair but thinning on top. Educated at Browns University in the United States. He had come to teach at Waterloo 14 years ago. The

city of Waterloo had been, love at first sight. Filled with trails and parks, great transit, shopping, and open-air markets. Housing prices were steep but that was a good thing once you were in. He had met his wife in this city while sitting on a park bench watching ducks near the Perimeter Center. Where the renowned Stephen Hawking had given a lecture.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 5

Earth Date February 6rd 2022

Richard Kylyle is teaching his class. Everyone in the class had the pop quiz question in front of them.
The Page reads: Was the “truckers.” protest in Toronto on February 5, 2022, a Legal act? Please reference the Canadian constitution the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Canadian Criminal Code in your answer. The question refers only to the protest in Toronto no other City and no other time.
Now Richard is talking to the class, “I chose the Toronto demonstration because of the way the police handled the situation. I thought it was an excellent example of fair-minded Policing. I also chose this demonstration because I saw, or did not read about examples, as far as I was concerned, of hate or bigotry.”
“Although I did not write it into the question, I would like you to refer to the methods of social change and how social change has come about in the past. You can use examples such as how the Canadian constitution replaced the BNA   ACT. That became law during the era of the present Prime Minister's father, Pierre Trudeau.
You might want to examine the Black Lives Matter movement, and the Vietnam War draft dodgers who came to Canada.
“Even the building of the national railroad across the Canadian continent had major societal changes. Change does not always come from confrontation or even a movement it may come from an invention.”
but I would like you to keep your answers mostly citing Canadian history and Canadian change.
For bonus marks still within the 20% refer to freedom of speech and tell me what you think the concept means. A 700-word essay with bibliography it will be due in two weeks, and it is worth 20% of your mark

Boots is at home she removed her mask while at school.
she is with her mother, who has taken a sick day time from her job as an ambulance driver.
Apple has worked on this job for almost 15 years, and she is taking the position of supervisor. It is a very demanding environment to work in currently. She has seen about everything.
her major concern is the people that really need the treatment for disease are not getting the access they need. surgery and procedures have been limited because of pandemic lockdowns, too many people are being diagnosed too late.
Although she is frustrated with Boots behavior, she cannot really bring Boots to understand the concepts involved. she helps her with her schoolwork and cuddles her like any loving mother would.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 6

Earth Date Febuary 6rd 2022

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 7

Earth Date February 10th 2022

Today Boots life, body, and mind have been in orbit all around the mustard yellow sun for eight Years. Not a precise measure of time for a divinity but it is a time for celebration for Boots.
Still in her bed clothes she walks up the six steps of a back split-level home. The only home she has known for all her life. She can see on the walls by the warm smiling photos of her family. All in silver frames nicely spaced and well placed along the hallway.
The frames bought from a local bargain store and the photos placed inside with a matt border. This was the work of her mother Apple who had spent time to record all the celebrations of life.
Dad was responsible for the paint on the walls a deep chestnut brown. This color was only on the walls in parts of the lower level of the house. It was a good paint job. No mistakes no slip of the brush. Paint applied like this always has a positive psychological boost effect that says I am home, safe, and everything is in Order.
The first thing Boots sees on entering the kitchen is her four-year old brother Lucas sitting at the table with his finger up his nose. Boots “stop that!” Apple “Go wash your hands” Lucas moves to the bathroom, as he does Boots can see a Big Box, a birthday box marked “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARHAN”
Apple, “Go ahead open it.”
Inside, her first love, a puppy she will call Spot
Later that same Saturday she can hear her parents arguing in the den with the door closed. but she understands the intent of the conversation.
Apple “How can you do this to me, I found this on your desk, Pop Quizz 20% of your mark, Was the truckers strike Legal? How can you do this to me?”
Richard, “What? What? This has nothing to do with you it is me and my class.
“I Am out there bringing extremely sick people to the Hospital, this is real, people are dying from this? I could get sick.”
“This is not personal, Apple. It is just my class; I want them to ask Question? I mean who said a masking mandate was the Solution. I mean We all hope masks do not become a permanent fixture, maybe we can do better. I think society will evolve to something batter. Apple “So you don’t like the vaccine eather?”
“Sure, the vaccine is helping, but there are people object to them, and will they become like the flu shots? What number of shots will we have before this thing is over.
We really do not know what is in these things, Apple, “Ok, wise guy, the next time Boots is home from school for not wearing a mask. It will be your turn."

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 8

Earth Date February 11th 2022

Richard was back teaching his class. It was a debate.
Jamie; a highly intelligent student, was leading the seminar on the 20% assignment, the trucker’s protest in Toronto.
“I noticed” she said, "that the Toronto Sun stated that the protest at Queen’s Park had Fizzled. This is not true. I was in Toronto that day. The police shut major streets to prevent trucker’s access. This was a major inconvenience.”
Another student, Miller speaks out “The good thing about it, that made it effective was, it was gone the next day.

Closing borders day after day, or invading city streets for more than a day. is not a protest. that is a community BBQ.”
The class is now fully involved, and another Student Clark speaks up, “Gorilla protests would be much more effective. For example, trucks suddenly slowing and causing traffic to move at four K and hour for ten minutes.”
Now, Lee, gets involved, “You must have reasons for the protest an agenda of demands!”
Jackson, “I think the Prime Minister should have talked to these people at the beginning of the protest instead of calling them names and Hiding”
Lisa, “Yeah like, a very loud fringe minority.”
Karan “These things have wheels; the protest should Move around”
Richard steps in, “Hey wait; Is no one here against this?”

It is Jamie again, “I been through everything with these restrictions. I see social change happening in the background that I do not Like, Elitist change. Refusing cash, products only available online, a degrading of government services, as workers move online and, or work from home contact does not happen. Small retail has taken the kind of economic hit that makes people cry in their sleep. Plus, there is no inflation protection for people on fixed incomes and the mentally ill wander the streets. “The people benefitting from this are big unions on covid walfare. The delivery service industry taking 25%. We are all in this together, that is Propaganda.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 9 House

Earth Date February 15th 2022

Nested in the north end of Waterloo where any land was expensive and hard to find for building schools. It was a modern school. That had purpose built from the ground up on the Samsung model of an elementary school. So, although virtual reality teaching was available, the core of the system real world centric. Even to the point of having paper-based textbooks available for core courses like math.
Ms. Smith was a teacher here. The most senior teacher with the entire board. She had remained single all her life, and now two years from her retirement her mind was a reservoir for all things Science.
It was day 6 Third period. That meant Science class for Boot, one of four classes she shared with her best friend Amy Waterhouse. Who Boots always referred to as, “House”? Both girls had the same color hair “black” and the same dark Latin complexion. Both were bilingual in English and Spanish.
Cell phones were active in class, Students used them as a learning tool. The school board had determined that not all students had access to personal laptops. All tech was used be it Apple, Google, Samsung, or Microsoft.
Ms. Smith Threw the switch, and the room was fill with the copyright pictures of birds. The diminutive common sparrow appears on one classroom screen on a large screen to become so big the photo revealed the feathering and scales on the feet. Boots could see slight changes in feather color.
Boots phone is buzzing, she read the message from House, Two words in Spanish “Buho Cochondo.” Boots texts back “just because the word ends in ology does not always mean it’s about sex!”
Ms. Smith is now in full swing “These pictures are from the Cornell University, Website of the department of Ornithology that means the study of birds. “This is the best website in the world to read about birds. Now a few bird facts, Ms. Smith Continues, “Some birds see Ultraviolet light and their plumage reflects this. Birds have one large lung with a smaller one beside it and hollow bones.
Today’s homework will be on the common Robin. The Robin has three distinct calls I want you to download these from the class website and then tell me what you think there meaning is then upload your answers to the class drop box.”

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 10 Lucas

Earth Date February 17th 2022

“Your Son Lucus is not a well boy,” Doctor Emmerate is a specialist in Human Neurology and conative process. He is forty-five years old, has a brown complexion and dark eyes, he is talking to Apple and Richard in his private office. "The most important aspect of this child’s life right now is his environment.” The Doctor now asks a Question. “Does your faith allow for the believe in evolution. To the doctor's great relief Richard’s answers is yes. “So, we can start at the dawn of time then?” Oh, please Doctor, we do not have that kind of time. What exactly is wrong with the boy?”
“I was joking about the dawn of time, it is always good to have a little humor, you said what is wrong, the question is what is right with the boy? First his IQ is higher than mine, that could be a negative, but for now we will list it as a positive. That wonderful mind has a lock on it. A.D.T., dyslexia and more, you can call these things what you want, the kid is confused.
There is a fresh approach in the way Medical Science looks at this kind of problem, one that says we are no longer victims of our genetic code.
Apple “If the boy is sick, can we not give him a pill or something? He is already a victim of schoolyard bullies. If he does not act so strange, he will not get picked on so much.”
Doctor Emmerate “Yes, I will give you medication. Lucus will have that resource available to him. But before I go any farther with this, I must tell you a story.”
“When I was a child, I was fascinated by the story of evolution. It was a bit like studying the history of the British Monarchy. Each king had his personality and his contemporaries for example for every King of England there was a King of France.
And a Pope. Richard Interject “That has nothing to do with evolution, the two subjects are not related.”
The doctor walks to the other door, “Lucas would you come here? Lucas, what subject do you like?”
“History Sir”
Tell me about Thomas Becket.
“What one Sir”
Apple “There is more than one?”
“There was two Mom”
The Doctor, “Ok Lucas you go wait a little while longer while I finish talking to your folks,
You see Lucas knows all this, but he cannot write it down. It is painful for him to wright.
Anyway, about evolution I always wondered, when I read Jane Goodall and Chimps using tools, how that knowledge would become intergenerational. Science now has an answer that I like. It is a good one for Lucas too. In means he has a better chance at employment.
“Leading scientists now understand that the environment around an individual can change the coded message of the human genome. I am talking here about actual physical change. The climate we live in can change our genome.”
So now we have three ways to change a human genome, Heredity, vaccine, and environment.
The mind of a child is like a sponge, but it can get warped, or the child can overcome. “
The Doctor looks straight at the couple. “Lucus is not burden, he is challenge, a gift. I will use whatever resource at my disposal to make Lucas a better human being and give him the best life he can live.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 11 Apple

Earth Date Febuary 21st 2022

It was a holiday weekend, but Apple was at work. Being short staffed, Apple was doing double duty as supervisor using the radio and working on the front-line riding in the emergency vehicle. The first call is to a large condominium Highrise. Apple is now part of a 911 call A woman is screaming, “He is on the floor in the hallway. he is not breathing.”
Apple replies, “Do you know CPR?”
Apple is talking to the Police on a separate line, on a head set that the 911 caller cannot hear.
A voice in Apple’s ear is talking, “Were sending police in before you arrive. ETA for them is 5 min.”
Apple’s Brain is now fully in gear. She understands the Ambulance must not arrive before Police. It is a protocol, called into action, after the police checked the background of the caller. It might be Alzheimer’s or mental illness, or a history, or even a Criminal record, but it is protocol, and for a medical first responders it must be strictly adhered to.
Apple to the caller, “We are 10 minutes from your location. The police will get there first” She signals the driver to park the Ambulance. Apple hears whispers in her headset. “It is the police, Oma, get back inside. The adrenaline is rushing through Apple. There is real danger here and she is aware of it. In the calmest voice she can muster Apple Says, “caller is you there? “Yes, don’t let me loose him, oh, don’t let me lose my Benji.” Apple, “is his heart okay” “No, some one here knows CPR.” Apple, “are the police there yet” Apple flips the mic switch in her headset, And repeats the Question, “this is Emergency unit 2041 responding to call 23 can you confirm police presents at that address?”
A voice Answers her on the headset, “that is correct Police are there now.”
Apple was suddenly aware of a need to go the bathroom.
Apple to herself, “hold on tight, you know it will pass.”
Apple had 4 days on 3 days off, and on the day off before work she was always careful about what she ate, for her body, the list was long.
The ambulance had arrived on site. The electroencephalograph was in place to monitor the heartbeat of a 77-year-old man with chronic angina.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 12 Landlord's file

Earth Date Febuary 23rd 2022

Fiction, the landlord’s file Gretta Cobourg, (nick name Ducky), and Tom Edie Had been members of the Police for Ten years Both had citations, both were first class constables. both had training in how to notice anything out of place that could cause a problem, or danger for the medical team.
Their job was not patient care unless somebody died or was dead at their arrival on the scene.
Gaining access in a situation like this was different from a private residence. Normal procedure was to Obtain a unit access code to the building main entry from the tenant or owner of the condominium. This situation was more difficult Because of the agitated state of the Lady on the phone.
Gretta looked up the emergency contact for the building. Gretta picks up the Police cell phone that is a separate unit from her personal phone. This equipment is police property and is returned at the end of shift by the on-duty officer to the police properties room. It is a heavy unit with a data connection to the police central communications room.
“Hello” Greta says, “We have you down as emergency contact for the building. Can you grant us access?” Connie Frank has been woken from a nap to answer the call, “No I can’t do that. “She replies,” I have asthma, “but my son can let you in. What number unit is it?
“Ok I will have him hand you a tenant information file when you arrive.”
Gretta “Thanks, which would be Ducky, ETA is two Minutes.”
Connie “And the attending officer's name?”
“That would be Constables Tom Edie and Gretta Cobourg”
Connie, “Thanks. we will have the door for you”
Tom “Ok, Ducky.”
On entering the building, the two police personnel encounter a young man in Pajamas and robe, he hands them a file. Ducky has Noticed that the building they have enter is undergoing construction, she asks about it. The young 18-year-old says, “Oh that stuff is for the new condos were building on the fifth floor.” Greta “So 417 is an Apartment?”
Young Man, “Yes That is right.”
Tom is reading the file at the top it says, “Copy of tenant file and the date of the last entry.”
Tom reads on, Unit 417 occupants three, Last name Litileda; Father Benji age 64, Mother Abby age 60, Son Oma aged forty-three, Unit Untidy. Son has mental problems and does not like Police. Large, emotional support dog, in unit as well.
As the elevator opens to the fourth floor. Tom is still taking notes. The police information that was already in police records had been texted to the phone in Ducky’s possession. Ducky had read the police file information on the way to the call Tom was writing the extra bit about the T.V. being too loud late at night. This information was in the tenant file but not in Police Records.
Of course, the officer was not to know that the complaint had resulted after a visit by the Superintendent’s brother Who lived on the floor below. Tom could hear the Paramedics arriving behind him. But he sees a face in the apartment door and moves towards it. You must be Oma? May I come in? Abby is too emotional. All her Attention is on her Husband lying on the floor. The first thing Oma says is “they’re making condominiums. That is illegal, your police, can you help? Daddy will die and we will lose Our home.”
Tom can hear the TV on, but it is not too loud.
Tom “I will see what I can do. Do you play that TV loud? Oma, “No”
Apple’s Second call on this shift, comes in, while Apple is on the throne, she was sitting on the hospital toilet in a hospital bathroom. The voice on the Phone was asking ‘Why are police not here?” Apple “are you in trouble?” “We had a call to a 24hr doctors’ clinic, lady with a Heart attack.” So, what is the problem?”
“We must get people out of here. She is lying in reception. We cannot Do our Job.” Apple, “The Police will be there, I will call.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 13 Birth Right

Earth Date March 3st.2022

The school bus is yellow.
My sister is riding. On it with me.
She is with someone.
She likes Melody.
I am alone. I am alone
. Gary “of course your alone, You idiot, nobody likes you, and when they show any sentiment at all to you, You’re all over them like Hair on a bear.”
Boot’s “My brother has brain problems, and he pees the bed, not all the time Just sometimes.” Melody “you should not say things like that?” “Why not? It is true.
“Because it is family, he is family and you just hurt yourself by talking out of school.” Lucas is walking to a world that might not want him. He understands how to cope with the deep abiding loneliness, which will haunt his heart, his life, for a sizable number of his days on earth.
His father is not proud of him. Lucas, although only in grade 1, is acutely aware of this fact. Like all children Lucas learns by osmosis. He is wearing his heart on his sleeve.
It is Gary again, “and your antisocial and arrogant, no one can love you. Lucas “one ring to rule them all”
Conceit is a trait that Lucas has taken onto himself from his father. A brilliant professor but a man of total arrogance. A man who believes that the muscle in his brain and the money he earns his salary from it makes him better that other people.
This was a trait that would lead Lucas done a path, the return of which would be a lifetime journey.
Lucas was a target, so he took his journey to middle earth. In his mind he could hide.
Imagination was an acute skill that would sharpen from the pain of loneliness Boot’s “The only friends he has are rent a friend, people get paid to stay with him.”
Lucas is aware that he is someone else’s job. That they will make money from him. He is not a social equal. Employment will be a challenge for Lucas. So too will love.
The two stories he will very quickly start to welcome to his lonely heart will be the movie the accountant and the movie shine.
Love oh dear sweet love is a hope held in the hand of Lucas and offered to every girl he will ever have a crush on.
The question of Why? A beautiful kind God creator universe maker and why? Lucus would find nothing ugly about his chosen Christian faith or any faith that held within it the concept of the good creator. The question of why? might remain until death.
The war between Lucas and Boots had already begun. It was a war for the affection and love of a kind loving and devoted mother Apple. As Boots grew, she would by nature choose her mother as a role model. However, Lucas, ignored by his father. He would seek emotional shelter under the wings of his mother.
The sibling rivalry had begun.
Apple the good mother is thinking “The bully is a person with a bad self-image. This kind of person hates themselves, for whatever reason, body image, the life they live, or they are weak, but they don’t want to hate themselves so with a heart full of hate they seek a victim.” Apple knows by instinct that she will have to protect her youngest child from this.
Lucas never cries, and this worries his mother, she knows there are days when he is noticeably quiet.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 14 A fork in the Path

Earth Date March 4th.2022

Apple is thinking about the essential snippets of information Doctor Godfrey Emmerate had told her during her visit to his office.
He had encouraged her to make a life plan for Lucas.
She knew in her heart that he was not a favored son. His father Richard had, through arduous work and talent, become the person he was today.
Apple’s mind slipped back to the days of courtship, the days they spent with each other before the marriage. Richard was busy with his PhD, and she was already working as a paramedic.
She knew that Richard was a bright and shiny intellect. She also knew the danger of conceit, and how it might affect a marriage.
As Richard had made more money and gained prestige, he had become more distant.
Suddenly Apple’s thoughts turned to her first love, a secret love played out in the town of Bridgeport, in a house on Lancaster Street. It was there she would visit her love Maddison Blacksmith. In that warm house with the sunny front room, they had learned about touch, and love, and cystic fibrosis.
Maddison’s death had smashed a little part of Apples heart.
Someone had once said to her, “to know compassion you must have known pain.” Richard would not love or understand Lucas. The child of this father would find no comfort from his male parent.
Apple was writing in a small sketch pad, in point form partly what the doctor said, and adding her own words too.
It is good to have meaningful employment in life.
The biggest barrier to meaningful employment of a disabled person is companies are unwilling to pay benefits to a person who might already be able to claim benefits elsewhere.
One way around that is self-employment. When a disabled person works as a contractor, or in sales.
Apple stops writing.
Apple walks to Richard’s home office door. “What is it Apple?” Richard says.
“I want Lucas to have this house.”
“Oh, and Boots?”
“She will manage”
Richard, “And Lucas will pay the taxes with his O.D.S.P. Money?”
Richard again, “What is this child going to give to an overpopulated world that, I Have not already given for him.
Apple, “He will learn”
Richard, “We will talk another time.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 15 Questions

Earth Date March 8th.2022

Richard was at the police station. His wife had called in a complaint of verbal abuse and physical harassment. He was in a cell, perplexed and anxious and still feeling the effects of the three vodka martinis he had mixed at his home bar.
Officer Berardi was at the cell door to tell him that he could consult with his lawyer. It is 2am in the morning:
Oliver Hunt, L.L.B, had practiced law in Waterloo, Canada, for Fifteen years, educated at University of Toronto Law School.
He had functioned as criminal defense in about ten cases involving domestic dispute.
His expertise was Real Estate.
The meeting between the two men was in a booth the men sat face to face and talked on a phone line through a plexiglass window. Richard “Whatever happen to innocent until proven guilty?”
Oliver “This is a whole new ballgame, Richard. The Canadian justice system takes domestic violence very seriously.
It is a woman’s world, Richard.
It is a tricky one for a man to navigate.
The Canadian Justice system is attempting to close all the doors on spousal abuse. That means verbal, financial, and physical abuse.
Richard, “but”
Oliver, “Richard we do not have time. This is the way it works in your situation, right now we must find someone to go surety for you. What that means is that somebody must promise the court that you will not stray from their court-imposed rules. That person must put up surety for you their house or something of value that the court will accept. Can you think of any friend in Waterloo that would be willing to do this”?
Richard, “At two in the morning?” “I am afraid so; I need a name Richard.” Richard, hesitant, “Izzie Fonzie, she will do it. Just ask her.”
Izzie Fonzie was a thin woman of 52 years of age who worked the local supermarket. near the University, a place where Apple did not like to shop. Her gray hair hidden under a brown dye, she wore a feather cut bouncy and short. Particularly good looking, but single to the core, still a virgin.
She kept to herself on a two-acre farm outside of Mary Hill, she had inherited from her mother who had passed just last year. Her private life was her four cats, two dogs, and a dozen free range chickens. She grew sweet corn in the summer.
After the death of her mother her grief had come into her heart like a solid frozen block of ice in the blackness of a February night. It was the kind of grief that shook the body with tears, and she would call out repeatedly the name Odessa, Odessa. The name of the soul that is no longer animated in her world.
Only her will could stop the tears, or the demands of hungry dogs and cats, or the routine of chores and work, stopped her from falling into an emotional downward tornado.
Oliver, “You understand, that if we cannot find someone who will do this for you, you will be in custody until your court date. If you hold in your heart a desire to be return to your wife, it would be advisable to stay with a man.” Richard, “No, phone Izzie!”
Richard had met Izzie, at the supermarket. Something happened, and the two had found the common ground that lay between them. Lovers no, friends yes. It was the cellphone on Izzie’s bedside table, that little factory programed ring tone, Izzie Fonzie had never bothered to change. On the third ring she answered expecting the supermarket, her boss telling her something went wrong at the supermarket. Instead, she heard this,
“Ms. Fonzie, I am Oliver Hunt. I am a lawyer. Sorry to disturb you at this time but I have a request. I will be to the point, Ms. Fonzie. I am attorney for Richard Kylyle, and he is requesting you go surety for him.

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 16 Return

Earth Date March 9th.2022

Apple has changed her mind, but the justice system is slow in response.
Apple pleads that it was not the big deal the courts are making it to be.
No, she never said he hit her.
Apple’s Lawyer has seen the justice of the peace and has the courts and Richard’s permission to phone his cell number. Richard is certainly ready to let Apple know what is on his mind.
“Why?” Richard asks
“I Guess, I panicked,
I thought you would mistreat Lucas” “Lucas is a lost. I cannot help him with his situation, Apple, he is your project.
“Why can’t you love him?” Apple says, “he is a good boy and Lucas told me He wants you home. Apple is talking through tears now “he says you are his hero”
Richard “Apple do you know what I have been through?
I was handcuffed and fingerprinted like a common criminal, and this has not even gone to trial, if it were not for Izzie, I would be in jail waiting for my trial.”
Apple, “Who is Izzie?
Richard, “I must put you on hold”
the line is silent, “Sorry I had to ask her permission before I told you. She is my sister by adoption. she was five when she came to us.”
There is another pause on the line. “You Never told me!” Richard, “that was her decision not mine.”
Apple, “Richard, we need you back home, we need you here.”
“Look, Apple, I cannot do that until the court says so.
“Apple we are in this mess because you did not trust me.
Now the only thing we can do is try to put it back together”
Apple, “I received a note here, that says the court wants the two of us to see a counselor, and they want counseling for Lucas too.”
“I am agreeable to that,
I must go now, but I want you to know that I love you, the same way I did when we first met. I sent you white roses”
Richard is now in class. He says “class is this really the dawning of the age of Aquarius?
Are we evolving to a higher state of mind?
Is the war with Putin’s Russia fought in a better way because women are involved at higher political levels that ever before in the brief history of humankind on this planet?”
“I want five hundred words with reference to the song, “The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius” not the chorus, I want you to hear the real song. Class dismissed I have Personal matters to deal with.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 17 The War

Earth Date March 11th.2022

Richard is teaching to students in Four hundred level courses.
Political Science 4020, Sociology 4010, and the Politics of war, this last course is an elective but still marked at the four hundred level.
Richard is now in a seminar room listening to a student, Steph Power. A very well put together twenty-year-old woman. Her short brown hair is tidy and clean, her brown eyes, shine, with the fire of youth. She wears little make up, her nails have no polish. She has put on a dress for the class presentation.
The gown she has chosen is red with an opening down the back to her bum. She has the gift of exceptional beauty, a small waistline. Small and round in the breasts and wonderful legs. Her calf muscle an exaggerated curve. Flat red shoes.
In a woman’s world beauty is power. A fact this young lady, Steph, is fully aware of.
Steph, “It is a proven fact that war is the creation of men. Women do not like to make war; it creates an unstable and unhealthy environment for Children. Very few women in history have led a country into armed conflict. Joan Of Arc is an example of how a women might involve themselves in war. She was truly heroic."
"The war between Russia and Ukraine. Has become one of territorial expansion.
War has evolved women are now in the military. Weapons have evolved too; chemical weapons are now available.
Let us suppose that for military reasons the west found conventional warfare with Russian troop was untenable.
Suppose Russian troops gather in one area separate and by themselves Then chemical warfare would be a temptation."
"With the news the way it is today, you cannot tell if anything is true. Accurate detailed reports of what is happening conflict with one another, from the different news sources on the internet.
Social media has changed the hate speech rules regarding what is hate speech about Russia."
"This war is different for all that proceeded it.
Russia may take Ukraine but the price it pays will be high. If we make a mistake the entire world may suffer. Sanctions can become like cutting off your nose to spite your face."
Diplomacy was the answer to this war before it started.
The questions remain; Why was the concern that Russia had about Ukraine joining N, A, T, O, never addressed? Why was Ukraine left Undefended?
Richard thank you Steph. Does anyone have a comment?
Yes, Brea Smith
I think the point about Ukraine left undefended is a good one. I thought more effort and an open willingness to discuss on the diplomatic front the issues that were cause for Putin and the Russian oligarchy to be concerned, were nonstarter in the negotiations prior to the start of the actual conflict."
"Diplomacy is not just talking; you need to understand the other nation’s point of view."
Richard has changed classes; he is now teaching his Sociology 4010 class.
A student Elem Ogata is reading his paper to the class “The Dawning of the age of Aquarius. In My lifetime I would like to see this happen, but humankind has much to sort out before we reach any so-called dawning."
"The elephant in the room is world population. This planet will very soon have too many people. There is also concern about climate change."
"Right now, we live in a world where the rich have easier access to the necessities of life. This situation will only get worse as we progress into a more virtual world. The micromanagement of our lives our shopping, entertainment, and personal lives will continue to get worse as big tech companies seek to monopolize markets for the sake of profit."
"The great sin of my generation maybe that we abandon the poor, feeble and mentally ill. Only the elite the rich and the lucky will enter the true age of Aquarius.”
Fiction By Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 18 The Jackson

Earth Date March 13h.2022

In his office, Richard is reading student work. Richard stops to reread a paper written by Alexis Jackson.
“The age of Aquarius will Begin with control of access and control of war.
To have peace, The planet must know how to manage war.
society must understand the causes of war and the weapons that are available. Chemical warfare and germ warfare must be a place where humankind does not go, ever.
The true punishment for the use of chemical or germ warfare is a which cannot be brought down by humankind, only by the divine creator of humans, after death.
Any use of these weapons in the human world, can only be as war crimes, crimes against humanity.”
“War is only one situation we will have to control to reach our new dawning.
World population is going to be a problem.
How will we control the number of human souls that will come to planet Earth in the next seventy-five years? This is the question no political leader is talking about.”
“In seventy-five years, time, we will have made it through the dawning into the real age of Aquarius.
There will be no reason to work, to pay the rent or mortgage, Bitcoin will take care of the lucky and the few true Aquarians.
The positronic brain might be part of this future world.
We might teleport."
"How we deal with our homeless, drug addicted, and mentally ill, and how well we help people effected by war and climate change, this will be the yardstick measure of the true Aquarians of the future.”
“Today decent people hang their heads in shame, talking about the holocaust, or bigotry, or Slavery. These things are part of the history of humankind. They are what you might call are social D. N. A. This history of man, we hope, is the story of forward progress. We hope we learn how to better cope with war. We can wage war better than before. We can fight a war with sanctions, but we must not be afraid to talk to the Devil himself to prevent a nuclear Holocaust.”

Fiction By Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 19 Spot

Earth Date March 15h.2022

Boots is playing with her dog, she calls spot,
The puppy wriggles with happy movements of affection. From head to tail it wiggles and wags about, begging to for contact. The dog is a light brown Carin Terrier.
Apple asked Boots why she called him spot when there was not a spot on the dog. Boots answer was, “because that is what he is missing?
Lucas was there with Boots every time she was with her dog. He loved that animal and had a distinct way of showing it.
Only sometimes would he recite from his heart the names of the Dogs of the world, Starting with Afador, alphabetically down the list, but when he got to Carin Terrier. Before he said the words, he would start very softy speaking, “doggy, doggy” then louder with a growl in his voice. The puppy would respond to this by barking, tail wagging and growling, all the time staying near Boots.
Lucas would continue this behavior for the rest of his life even after the death of the puppy.
Boots “you want to help me with my history homework? “
Lucas, “What is the assignment?”
“Famous women of history who changed the world.”
“Ok I will Help” Boots had discovered that her little brother had a place in his brain, where world history was a map of not only people, but their times and dates. Their contemporaries, and a good background about world they lived in, and the food consumed at that time in that place.
He was better at it than any computer.
Boots wanted to take this resource and use it for Samsung classroom presentation. About anything would work. Google slides or Canvas. Boots really liked Microsoft sway but could not get around the learning curve. In the end, she would use a combination of presentation and Google slides. She spent three hours on the project. Lucas’s research helped to give the story Orientation and perspective. When Boots had finished her drawing, she set her timeline, written about the fashion of the time, and she had written in her own words a portrait of the virgin Queen.
It started with the words “We always assume that Today no Blue-Blooded Royal would ever experience the horror of child abuse, but the virgin Queen might have overcome. Boots set the word overcome to reverberate across the individual screens in the classroom. But the bell went off way too soon.
There was Ms. Thatcher’s voice on the P.A. This is a general assembly. We want all students to go to the gymnasium to see a special movie. Although Ms. Thatcher owned the rights to the Movie, the Sound of Music, she had bought the CD, the school board had to obtain special copyright release to screen it to a large audience.
Mrs. Thatcher, the school principal, was on stage. “Girls and Boys, we all know what is happening right now in Ukraine.
So, I thought I might show you a movie about War and refugees. A movie based on the true story of the Von Trap family. This was a family of singers who escaped Nazi Germany. Enjoy.

Fiction By Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 20 Iron Curtains

Earth Date March 16th.2022

“Hi Grandma,”
Boots, is skyping her maternal grandmother, this woman is still quite independent.
Her last name is Hicks, she is Mary, Elisabeth, and she lives in Chicago, U.S.A. Boots has only seen her once in person, when Boots was four years old, Boots is now 15 years old. Her Grandmother Mary is eighty-eight.
Born in 1934 she had married Peter at sixteen. Peter had been a car salesperson and worked at that job for 29 years. The couple had bought themselves a modest home in Pilsen, a Suburb of Chicago.
Boots would skype her grand ma about every to weeks at an agreed time so Grandma could be at her best. Hicks has been a widow for 6 years Mary is talking, “you know boots this is like the cold war all over again, the enemy,
I hate that word, and the Iron curtain. Boots, “Grandma are you ok, you do not have iron curtains, your drapes are rayon. I can see them behind you.
Oh, darn I forgot to put in my skype background.
Boots is getting upset, “Granny Why are you telling me your curtains are Iron? “This was an expression from the cold war. we used to say events in Russian took place behind the Iron curtain.
Boots, “meaning what?”
“The Russians were secretive about what they did. We still had the Berlin wall. Then Gorbachev and Regan Knocked it down. You know I felt strange when that happened, because all these atrocities that had happened like shooting down Francis Gary Power’s Spy plane did not matter anymore.
Then suddenly the Russians were no longer an Enemy of the west and we started to trade.”
“I am not saying that we will; or should ever forgive Putin for anything he has done. Diplomacy is supposed to work for a higher purpose. The diplomat tries to understand what made Putin upset and how he or she, can make a negotiation that they think can satisfy both parties.”
“The Diplomat is not there to judge; he or she, is like a psychotherapist for Nations in a dispute. There was a definite misunderstanding here: Boots, it cannot go on like this, we are better than our past. We do not want your future to be one of fear of nuclear war. Everything glasnost meant is gone already. Russian is the enemy, again.” “What does Lucas have to say about this?”
Boot’s is surprised, “Grandma he is just a dumb kid, only eight years old. “
Mary, “He needs help with some things, but he has a good mind for history and current events”
“Did you do any baking”
“Oh yes, I could not sleep last night, so I made four loaves of bread by the stir method. Here look!”
Boots Can See the loaves on her screen.
“Push that little button on the side of the skype window marked Sniff.”
Boots “there is no! Oh, grandma you are teasing me.” They both laugh. Mary, I must run, doorbell, I can sell the bread.

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