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Yellow Boots Section 3

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Yellow Boots 1-21 Copyright Joseph philip Musgrave

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Yellow Boots Section two


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 38 The Clock

Earth Date April 17th 2022

The Year is 2027 and the on planet Earth humankind is still effectedd by the plague born in 2019.Although Boots has much on her mind, she asks Simon about himself.
“I live with my parents who are in their seventies,” Simon is hesitant, “When I speak of myself as a journalist, which is a bit facetious. Who can talk of the kind of journalism you see in the film All the Presidents Men, with Robert Redford?” What people do not see in that movie is the Advertising Department of the News Paper,The Washington Post. Sure, those reporters were hero’s finding deep throat, and all that.”
"The real heroes are in the background. The little independent shops that put good money up. They are the ones that put gas in the trucks and paper on the web press. There is little of that money around today for the little guy. Even the big independent has a tough time of it.”
“Moving a newspaper online, that’s kind of a joke, I mean the working joe in the fifties could read the news on the Subway on the way to work. Today, it is the path of least resistance. Plunk yourself down on the couch to digest the local and national news along with supper. The advertising dollars follow that trail too.”
“Forget hard hitting investigative Journalism, where the people understand events, they would not otherwise understand. Like the pandemic is real, but we just might have the wrong approach. You cannot say that anywhere in your writings or you could be in it deep, People will say your not with the game plan, But freespeach gives us the right to dicuss the options and ask questions. When the black death first came to Europe in the thirteen hundreds the Doctors tried to cure it by bloodletting.” I am not talking vaccine here, mine are all up to date. But social distancing and mask wearing, are supposed to be temporary and self-directed emergency measures”
“People keep talking about this thing being over, A Post Pandemic world, which is not what I see. Six years into this thing and we still have mask mandates and social distancing. That is damaging the local economies, whole villages have disappeared. We need a new point of view. I cannot trust anything I hear on the News, not even the weather is accurate.”
Boot’s Interrupts, “yes, I agree, I am overly concerned about mainstream media not telling the whole story not bothering with background. In depth investigative Journalism in Ontario, Canada, is not there. There is an election in Ontario. I would like more information on subjects like healthcare. The Government of Ontario is right now contracting out parts of the healthcare system. Sleep test clinics, health aids and home healthcare. I would like to know more about Taxes. Property taxes go up four percent per year, and that is just the city not including any regional government. That is a total fantasy world.”
Simon, “Yeah, as the great Walter Cronkite would say “That is not news but that too is reality.” Being a journalist today is a parttime profession at best unless you are the Newsreader in front of the camera. I think I will go back to school.” Boots again, “There is at least one successful newspaper in Ontario, it is The Wellington Advertiser it is hard to find. What is strange is my parent do not find out who died until six months after the event. My mother finds it embarrassing to ask how someone’s partner is, then find out she or he has been in the grave for half a year.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 40 The Brother

Earth Date April 20th 2022

Lucas was attending a class for students with disabilities. The teacher had Witten three Lines up on the screen, Ms. Sarah Morton-Dales is the teacher in charge. Lucas has chosen to sit at a desk next to a girl he has a crush on. Zoey Strathmore, commonly known to the boys in the schools as Legs; because of the outrageous stockings she wears constantly even in summer, when she sometimes wears them as cut-offs.
She has a Dimond earring in her pierced left ear. She has a tattoo on her forearm of a bearded Billy goat with the words love you dad. Zoey knows her body does not qualify as eye candy. Her body image has no effect on her personality.
This class is a Difficult one for Morton-Dales who has been teaching special education for only 4 years. Morton, “on the screens in the class you will see subjects for creative writing.
Lucas has a modified phone that will allow him to text message like anyone else So, he sends a message to Zoey I pick Number One.
Zoey is laughing so hard she must hide behind her laptop so Morton will not see, “Number one is When I put on my lipstick in the morning, I always feel more feminine.
Number two. I like my body and the me inside it.
Number three. The Sports hero I would like to be.
Morton “Now I want you to use one of these sentences in a creative story. Lucas goes to work right away writing.
“The sky was incredibly blue, the air untouched by the pollutants of humankind. no cars, jet planes, war, and nuclear bomb tests or hyper sonic cruise missiles.”
“A dinosaur, Ogre, a diplodocus had, two years ago, hatched from an egg. It was life on the run from the moment of his birth. A nibble here a gulp there and everyday narrow escape from the Jaws of death.
Eating all those leaves, Ogre, had methane gas build up in his gut. If he lived to be fifty, he would like his parents to contribute a significant amount of Methane into the atmosphere. It was a timeless world that these crude beasts would rule for ten million years.”
“The Velociraptor sniffed the air with a nose ten times stronger than a dog. This killing machine could smell flatus a mile in the distance, and even with in a crippled and war wounded body. The raptor could still run down a meal of baby diplodocus.”
“So, Ogre lived his life ten feet from any bodily gas emissions. He could always hear in the distance the thunderclaps of the anal cheeks of his giant brothers and sister as they closed back into place after the release of gas
Ogre knew the Raptor was looking for a diplodocus lunch. It was that time of day. He let one go and moved ten feet west. The raptor attacked the gaseous emission with total insanity. This action is motivated only by hunger and instinct.
Ogre’s luck had held, the predator that he would face every day for the next fifteen years of his life had gone, distracted by a movement in a bush three hundred yards away.
Ogre’s life under the prehistoric forest canopy, had led to the discovery of a primitive type of cherry. It would stain the mouth red if consumed in Quantity.
Ogre loved the stuff and there in the cherry patch he met Bombon a female diplodocus. She said to him in English, “When I put on my lipstick in the morning, I always feel more feminine.
Ogre thought, “this is absurd how would she know English. That is not supposed to happen for another fifteen million years.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 43 Sport

Earth Date April 21st. 2022

“Hey Lucas, are you home?”
Richard is knocking on his sons Door, “Can I come in?”
There is that strange computer voice, in answer.
Richard walks in; his son’s room has old issues of sports illustrated on the floor open to the pages that show the women posing in bathing suits.” His father Richard ignores the mess and puts a hand on his son’s shoulder,
His judgment tells him Lucas has been crying. “Now Lucas I know I am not good at the dad stuff with you, But I got a call from your teacher Ms. Morton-Dale. She told me you messed up a writing assignment. She thought you did it to impress a young girl. She told me what the subjects were.
"I will tell you son, you have to give this teacher a little break because she is still learning just like you. She said you said all the topics were women oriented." I do not understand why you did not wright about sport.
She wants you to rewrite the paper or you get an F. Lucas “dad I do not know sport, I am a total spaz. Why could I not pick History?
"Son, Your Mother and Sister are in Chicago right now. So, we can chat about this downstairs in private. I have something I want to show you.”
Once both father and son are downstairs Richard starts to talk,
“Lucas I cannot author the paper for you, and your teacher did not give you the choice of a discourse in history. So, Sport looks like what you are writing about.
So let me give you hints on how to wright about the sports hero I would like to be."
"To start with you could say you were a sports hero. First ask yourself why humankind is so involved in sport? The answer is easy, you look at the pictures. The Toronto Sun had a front-page picture of a Canadian soccer player doing a backflip summersault in midair and Look I have the picture here in my scrapbook."
"You see Lucas, an athlete is an extraordinary person they do physical actions with the Athletic abilities that are above average."
"The best ones do not realize they are doing it. When the human body is young it is more likely to be supple and capable of movement, this ability fades as the body ages." "There is another aspect of sport, it is eternal or at least it was that way until the pandemic rules and lockdowns. Local sport was contested ever year I do not think restrictions have gone away, and yet, with interruptions and shortened season sports continues." "Luc there is still value found it the history of sport. Names like Babe Ruth, Sandy Kofax, Payton Manning, Wilt Chamberland, Sidney Crosby and Tiger Woods. These names we hope will survive as part of the history of humankind."
"Athletics are a worldwide activity even in Russia, Olga Korbut, is famous in Gymnastics and Russia and Canada have always been hockey adversaries. Sport both male and female is a common ground, a universal language and as eternal as the Canada Goose.
Son this is my scrapbook, of sport, and here is my baseball card collection and hockey cards they do not make anymore.
Wow Dad this is really something special. Now Lucas goes to author his paper.
He opens with the sentence, “I think sport can build trust between teammates and is part of human history. Sport can help to heal a wounded world. Jackie Robinson and Jesse Owens are names connected to the cause of peace, important voices in our effort to understand another point of view."
"We have for the athlete a deep and abiding admiration and respect; this is an instinct."
"Like everyone who is born mortal the athlete must work to become better.There must be constant attention and practice, and a movement toward the pursuit of perfection."
No, you do not seek perfection in your job at the factory assembly line.
You can work at a factory, to pay the bills, and play baseball at the local park, for a semi pro team and be the sports hero I would like to be.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 44 Final Exam

Earth Date April 22st. 2022

“I am going to tell you right now there is an agenda happening, “Richard is in his Pollical Science class again, “It is highly likely that you people are not on it, unless the government starts a student loan forgiveness program like they have in the states.”
The homeless, the elderly in Nursing homes or Retirement residences, people on fixed income with no inflation protection will not be part of the social agenda either?
This is not a time in society to be weak, incompetent, or lazy. These are extremely dangerous times.” Now Richard takes a leaf from Ms. Morton-Dales Book.
“So, class I have made a list of statements on the screen here. The statements read.
1. Humankind has become better a Making weapon’s and finding it easier to use them.
2. Putin has an agenda of his own. What is it? Why?
3. In western Economies, private companies have an agenda to control, food, music, Media, and the recorded history of the world. This will be done by controlling access to these products, and Making documented history open scource, changable at any time.
4. Who has the most to gain from 7% inflation? Explain in detail.
5. Western News broadcasts are unreliable at best.
6. The mentally ill in Canada are not an integrated part of society and forced to lived Homeless desperate lives and on the street.
7. How do I reconcile with my God that I was not born to live only twenty years and then killed in the war in Ukraine? This question is about my lecture on birthright.
8. Chemical weapons are ok for use sometimes
9. Genetic intervention in the reproductive ability of women will eventually lead to a better human and a cure for disease and the pandemic
10. Are pandemic restrictions necessary,and how long should they last? 11. Do you have any responsibilities for climate change?
12. How do we resolve the problem of Addiction?”
“These twelve questions are your final exam worth 50% of your mark. You must answer all twelve in the form of a narrative. And include all the questions in your story. You can reference the internet or books but no online encyclopedia. All references must have the URL link to the exact page you are referring to. “The paper must have the year 2027. and have your student ID number.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 45 Coal

Earth Date April 26st. 2022

With her little white Scottie, Spot, running alongside. Boots is taking a bike ride down the trail near her home. Although a Gleeful participant in this activity Spot is a little older now and has trouble keeping up.
So, on this sunny day in May, Spot is in the hands of his master, wrapped in a light blanket, and placed in a basket that is then tightly fastened to the back of Boots bike.
Boot rides down Box Grove Drive. Then connects with Box Grove common where she can let the tiny dog run on a long leash.
Boots feels a need to Exercise more, growing up with the dog from the age of five has led her to have a deep and abiding respect of the natural world.
Apple has grown concerned about her daughter’s preoccupation with her carbon footprint.
They have had confrontations about the central heating and cooling system built into the house that consumes mostly natural gas. The amount and kind of clothing Apple wears, the amount of plastic brought home with the Groceries, and the car.
Apples Mind is in a different place from Boots, she can remember her mother’s house at one time, heated by coal. Then converted to Natural gas which was in the end cheaper than coal. It was just the smart thing to do, to make the change was what you might call a wise choice by the homeowner.
The biggest concern Apple had was the world's appetite for electricity. cars, cell phones, the Internet and tv. And all the appliances that required electrical power.
“We are too dependent on Hydro. Mind you I admire and respect the workers you do not see but who keep us living in safety and comfort. Apple is talking to Richard, “I think she is far too strung out on this hug a tree thing.”
Richard, “Apple I think boots has some great political instincts she is very talented but still learning.” “This world needs talented, thoughtful, compassionate, humble, and Courageous people right now, and our Boots is all of those.
The reactionary way the United States told everyone to get out of Ukraine before the war started.
Then, Understanding the message that this action had sent to Russia, reversed the order, and reinstated diplomats on Ukraine soil. This is a demonstration of Political and diplomatic misjudgment.
“Misjudgment in Politics can cause hardship, death, and war. War is human behavior out of control.”
Apple, I think God has given us not just a beautiful child, Karhen, but the seed of a genuinely great political figure. Anything we have achieved in our lives will be important but future world history will need to be the responsibility of her generation and her accomplishments.
Our job is to guide that child as best we can. The world population is still the elephant in the room. We do not want this to be the sin of her generation.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 46 The Paper

Earth Date April 28th. 2022

Political Honesty and good planning. Boot’s is showing, her dad, her work before she hands it in at York University.
“A candidate is placing himself before the people as a choice, as an individual, and or a member of a political party. The voter will cast their ballot based on what they know about the candidate and his party. voters expect that party to stand true to the platform the voters understood to be a trust.
Politicians think the platform can have adjustments made to keep a government in power.” “Justin Trudeau made an agreement with the N.D.P. to prolong his liberal minority government term in office. Could this be dishonest, or just an adjustment.”
“Had Justin and party taken it upon themselves to make the same kind of agreement with the Bloc Quebecois; voters may have had a good reason to question this man’s integrity.”
Every decision a politician makes has an impact on someone’s life.
Take the example of construction, Road infrastructure, the construction closes a road, as a result, a bus stop, has moved to a temporary location. The temporary stop placed outside a convenience store; the store has a ten-fold increase in business.
With the pandemic we have seen that a slight change in government action or inaction can have dire consequences, or happy coincidence.
If you are a true public official, the needs of the people come first.
The higher up in government the bigger the result.
In this Year 2029 I hope that the fighting in Ukraine is over.
We can, however, learn from history. Could this war not have happened?
We see that when Russia moves troops to Ukraine’s border, the message sent to N.A.T.O personnel was to get out.
What if we had said no and stayed put? Then Russia would have known that dropping bombs on N.A.T. O’s people in Ukraine would have international repercussions. It would also have told Russia that Ukraine was not standing alone in defense of its own national sovereignty.
Now tell me the number of years it will take before Canada plays Russia for a hockey title.
China is in space with a crewed station the next target is a settlement on the moon.
Is this not the future of all humankind? Instead, we in the west choose not to control a war.
As a result, we live with inflation, rationing, and unnecessary hardship.
The war in Ukraine should never have happened.
Our leaders demonstrated a total inability to control war of aggression.
Had this war involved Russia and China it simply would not have happened.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 47 The Paper

Earth Date April 29th. 2022

“This is a good start Boots, but economics needs some explaining and the history is not bad, but did you talk to Lucas, about the cold war and the Warsaw pact.
Richard is talking to Boots in his home office.
“Boots you mentioned in the paper, rationing, this is a measure taken only in cases of extreme economic emergency.” It is done when there is not enough for every consumer."
"To a certain extent you could say that gasoline is rationed in the year 2030, but you would also have to say. It wasn't rationed the way it was in World War two, because we haven't needed to go back that far yet, the economics of this situation is still sustainable for the middle class."
"The people who benefit from inflation are property owners, manufacturers, warehouse storage facilities and anyone with their income pegged to the cost of inflation. Then Richard says like me, my income is adjusted to the annual inflation rate.
Anybody who has owned a house for more than five years can tell you it's quite a joyous experience to find out the value of your property has more than tripled in five or six years."
The people who will not benefit from inflation are the poor apartment dwellers, the homeless in North America and then in other countries there will be great hardship in third world countries.
There is one little bright spot in all this mess, it's three words. I love you.
They mean a lot more than anybody really understands except possibly if your Christian and you believe in Jesus, he knew the power of love."
"Other people who know the power of love, those who suffer a life confined to a Wheelchair, Say Hello and they will say Hello, Hon, back to you. But the people who understand love the most are the children of abusive parents. Because they never had unconditional love."
"We all must die so we can't take what we've got with us, all we can do is pass it on to the generation coming after us and hope that they have the same happiness and love that we found in our life.
“Boots, I love you. I am your father, I saw you when you were a tiny baby, totally helpless, and I gave you the love that was in my heart.
you don't realize it now because you're a little young. Someday you will understand what Our love meant to you how much it changed your life. made you self-confident, made you feel safe. Helped you find your way in this world."
"The guiding light that helped you find a job taught you how to do your best. Those three words I love you; Boots you will never have to say thank you for. All you must do for your mother and me is live the best life you can, and don’t forget Mother's Day this year."

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 48 red

Earth Date May 1st. 2022

Hue Seaforth is reading his final paper to Richard’s Political Science Class.
“Becoming red.”
“Humankind has become better at making weapons and finding it easier to use them. The future holds great promise for new technological weapons. The development by at least three nations of the hypersonic cruise missile spells out the beginning of a new much more deadly world. This missile and others like it are extremely hard to shoot down. Each is a step down the road to war. Each leading to a greater temptation to evaluate a modern technology in a real live war. Other new developments have led to robotic pack mules and scouts. One factor against using such technology is it may fall into the hands of the enemy and copied”
“If we are to survive on this earth, we must become better at diplomacy. A good diplomat is so much more than a grade schoolteacher breaking up a school yard fight. The diplomat is like an extra-terrestrial, come to earth to bring peace. This being must see beyond the name calling and accusation. War is messy people end up being collateral damage. War is never a controllable situation. What is controllable is preventing it”
“So, what is the agenda of the oligarch Vladimir Putin? The roots of his feeling about Ukraine, lie in the fact that he felt Russia had suffered humiliation by the events that happened after the fall of the Berlin wall. There is also the fact that Putin as leader of the Russian people may have felt the events happening in Ukraine, before the war, were a threat. Then Ukraine stood deserted and undefended by the West just before Russia commenced the invasion. The exact facts are hard to ascertain from the internet because history is not a permanent record online, unlike a book, where a record of historic event can remain archived in a library.
Whether the story is an accurate recording of the actual event remains a volume on a shelf held unchanged for perpetuity. An example of this might be the history of the life of King Henry the eighth of England. One version written by a devote Catholic and the other a protestant minister.
"The two versions may differ but will remain side by side on a library shelf.” “On the internet it is difficult to find an accurate accounting of history that will differ in anyway one from another, and the historical narrative can be rewritten at any time to reinforce the popular interpretation, The online history account then becomes western or eastern propaganda.”
“Same situation is true in News reporting; Accurate investigative journalism has become interpretive. The reporter tells the audience how to interpret the small segments of actual interview that are part of the broadcast. Instead, of airing the whole interview and allowing the audience to interpret for themselves”
“Pandemic restrictions can be an excuse to control or modify human behavior. We must be careful that the police remain accountable and answerable to the people they serve. A society were everybody can expect equal and just treatment including the poor, drug addicted, the disabled and the elderly we must be incredibly careful not to allow Any of these minority groups to become ostracized or labeled as the source most likely to carry disease. In big cities police and security guards and those on the frontline are less likely to help for fear of contagion.”
“About climate change, we do all have the responsibility to keep our planet in good health. The disposal of waste and pollution can be major factors in contributing to the world of our next generation.”
“There is an agenda here. It is an agenda of monopolization. Using the internet to access and control food supplies and other commodities of value. the best meat will no longer be Obtainable at the local grocery. Meat, eggs, flour, and fish in the future stored in warehouses and delivered directly to those who could best afford to pay”
"An elitist mentality will prevail leaving the poor and working poor without purchasing power genetic manipulation could be the answer for cures of diseases such as cancer MS, muscular dystrophy epilepsy, but this will only be accessible to those who can afford it." Richard “I had Hue Read his paper because wrote the answers to my questions in the form of a Narrative as requested, I hope this exam made you think, you are the future leaders of the world. What kind of a world will it be.
One Other Persoal Comment only Communist countries take money form poeples or companys or indiviuals from another country. So Canada is turning Red

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Earth Date May 4th. 2022

Boots is with her father and Mother Apple; at a small outdoor picnic table, they have ordered out from nearby, and are traveling by gas powered car.
Richard, “I have been thinking about just running away and hiding somewhere. I do not like teaching politics anymore, it is too sad. Getting accurate information is impossible so I must teach class based on speculation, an educated guess.
Government keeps crossing lines and acting in ways unheard of in the past, freezing bank accounts is one example.
Boots I have told my class there is an agenda here. It will rationalize the world population. It might be the stage is being quietly set for a war of survival. Life is good but this world can only hold and feed a set amount of people.”
“Abortion rights are back in the news. I lost respect for the American vice president after that – How Dare They – speech. It was not what she was saying, she just needs a better speech writer.”
Apple, “oh we have Archie Bunker here, Edith go stifle yourself”
Richard, “that is not fair I only said she should get a better speech writer.
Apple, “Boots how do you stand on abortion?”
“Look Mom, right now they can grow an embryo outside the womb in a petri dish.
I do not know when God gives us a human soul. I do not think it is always a question of majority rule.
Apple, “So it is not government for the people, its government knows best, and we eat whatever they feed us. “They got us through the pandemic.”
Apple, Through the pandemic, my child that word will become synonymous with the word Tyrant, and in 2030 were not out of it, yet. three more lock downs and the Government will tax the internet because there are no shops left to tax on the street.
Governments will make mistakes, Look at this on again off again war in Ukraine. First the diplomats are ordered home before hostilities starts, then called back to their posts, to show the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is on side with Ukraine.
Now the entire world is short on food and oil. You will not hold me responsible for that, I am not a government.
Boots, “murder is wrong Mom, I cannot see a difference between a five-year-old child in Ukraine and a ten-week-old fetus in a North American women’s womb, they both have the right to life. Murder is murder.
Apple, “you do not believe in a woman’s right to choose?”
Boots, “I think in the end we will find the middle ground as a society; technology will advance to the point where a pregnancy will terminate by taking a pill.
Lucas and Richard are now at the hockey game. It is the closest thing to bedlam and heaven that Lucas has ever known in his sixteen years of life.
This is the escape hatch and Lucas is screaming for his team The Toronto Maple Leaf’s.
A team that is a contender in post season for the Stanley Cup.
What has made this outing with his father so much more exciting is the visit before the game to the hockey hall of fame. A place in Toronto where the icons of the sport of hockey follow down through history.
Tracing the history of the greats like Guy Lafleur, Bobby Ore, Wayne Gretzky, and Maurice Richard.
They were all there in the fancy glossy book that Lucas bought at the store, inside the hall
He ate with his dad at the St.Lawrence Market, and tucked away a serving of poutine at the game.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Earth Date May 12th. 2022

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Earth Date May 12th. 2022

“Your documentation here is appalling.
There is a fine line between propaganda and responsible, effective journalism.” Simon is taking it on the nose from Jordan Ingram his boss at the small news department, where he works.
“Where did you get this;” trusted source, “BSc from. I cannot verify this. If I cannot verify the source, this is not print worthy.”
This business of 66% of Americans has three vaccines. The other 34% are trying the patience of the majority, because these unvaccinated people somehow have become misinformed, or are ignorant or stupid. That kind of statement is all the aforementioned. If you are going to, discuss, as a journalist, do not tell people what to think.”
People I know have not had any vaccine against the pandemic or are not up to date. Why? “Ok, I am not a medical doctor, let us look at it this way. My government requires I must wear a mask. “Who says masking is the only practical way to reduce the spread of a virus?”
“What are the other solutions?” “When the virus is most prevalent, in Winter, are we all going on the dole and working from home.
Whereas residential property values have improved commercial real estate is up for grabs
“Make sure your meaning is clear here, that this writing is not a rejection of masking or vaccines. It is not a claim that the pandemic is over.”
“When does the situation improve to the point where masks or protocol is not an elitist exclusionary tactic?” “There answer these questions and give me a rewrite by one pm.”


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Yellow Boots Section 2 episodes 22 to 37

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 22 New Beginings

Earth Date March 20th.2022

Richard was in a therapy session with Dr Francis Green.
Richard was in a precious mood, “I do not think I can ever trust Apple ever again.
If she was concerned about my attitude to Lucas, why not say so, instead of what she did. what was really bothering her was, Did, I love Lucas? When a man or woman maries that is like a covenant, it is a promise of trust.
It is a safe place where everyone, the husband, wife, and especially the children, can make mistakes and should willing to expect that their stories will remain private.
One of the great pillars of democracy is the principle of the presumption of innocents until proven guilty.
Francis interrupts the tirade, “Do you like Lucas?
“I am crazy about Boots.”
“What? cowboy boots?”
“No boots my daughter, which is her Nickname.
“She is smart, witty, and she will be a good looker, just like her old man. Not to fat not to skinny.
I cannot stand those anorexic women that diet their body away because they think skinny is whinny,”
Francis Hay You can talk like That at the Bar, but not here, and you yourself have alcohol issues
“i have known men who are disappointed with their sons. Are you one of them”?
“Yes, I think so. He could teach history, but he has so many behavioral issues. His chances at employment must be zero. Francis, “is a job a mans or women’s total measure of who they are?”
“I knew this on guy who was fun to be around, but every time he met someone new the first thing out of his mouth was, I am an accountant
Francis, on the other hand I have met people who can befriend anyone and never mention what that does. Richard, “Lucas needs to live in an institution.”
“You mean with nurse Rachet, and One Flew over the Coo Koo’s, Nest, is that the kind of future you see for your son.“
“Well Apple will not agree with that, So I cannot trust myself around Apple.
And Apple cannot trust herself around me. She wants the basement redone as a playground for Lucas. She spoils him, like and only child.”
Fancies, “I can see how Apple could feel threatened by you.
I might also understand why she might want to hurt your ego.
However, I agree with your definition of one of the pillars of democracy.
I can also see why Lucas might hate your guts. “That is a nasty thing to say”
“Well, I am talking to a nasty guy who I wonder If I should really let him anywhere near his family.
Ok so let review. You got two things right.
The Pillar of democracy thing and you got the marriage thing right.
But the rest of it is bs and bluster. You could learn from Lucas and Apple And the fact that you are a tenured professor does not empress me much.
However, I will leave you with this thought: social Opinion is like the pendulum on an old Clock First it swings Left with abortion right gay rights and drugs to pause the onset of puberty then the pendulum will go right. You can use that in your class. You have my permission. Your time is up. I will see you next week.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 23 Apple Talks back

Earth Date March 22th.2022

Dr Francis Green is now in a therapy session with Apple, He is asking about Richard’s obsession with anorexia nervous.
Apple, “two people he was close to this disorder, and I think in both situations it led to bulimia and death, one was his real sister, and the other was someone he cared very deeply for.”
“Richard has always felt in control of his life. He had a life plan from the day of his birth. He is overly concerned that Boot’s will become a victim of this disease.”
“In his own way he is a loving man, but he is at the point of outright rejecting Lucas.
It is like a war zone for him. He just will not go there.” Something has hurt him deeply; He does not want his genetics to be the reason Lucas is the way he is.
He blames me for Lucas. The Doctor, “It looks to me like you care very deeply about Richard. Does he care about you?” Apple, “he is having trust issues because I phoned in the complaint.
He is from a very private family.” “Was he intoxicated at the time you made the Compliant?”
“Yes, he had taken a bit of weed with me, and I think he had about three drinks.”
“Was he violent?”
Nothing I could not handle, a little shouting, we are both surprisingly good at Handling stress.
The sticking point is Lucas?” Apple continues, “I was surprised by the police placing him in handcuffs, and then we had to talk to each other through a mediator, He is with his other sister now, he had to buy all is personal shaving stuff and new clothes I made a mistake making the complaint. I might regret that for the rest of my life.
“How is Lucas”?
“He is always happy he tries so hard to please his father”
“I want a life plan for Lucas. I do not want him to be homeless or hungry, he is such a happy kid.
And I want Richard back home.
Dr. Green, “I do not know if I am willing to let Richard home yet. He is under stress and has issues, he needs to sort out Apple, “is this not a matter we can sort out together at home in private?”
“You made the complaint Apple, and as you said you might regret that.
Richard is back teaching his class in political science, “This will be the usual format an essay then a seminar. This is the Question;
Is it fair-minded politics to allow a so called federal political party to deliberately seek representation in only one Povince as the bloc Quebecois is currently doing.
Is the NDP a political prostitute?

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 23 Garden Fence

Earth Date March 20th.2022

Coming of age for boots was a little different than her Parents would have liked or expected.
She was 15 years old and already bringing boys home to study with her. Her mother Apple had noticed an intense need for physical contact, Apple thought was a result of the years of pandemic social distancing and mask wearing.
Apple thought A growing girl needs a father to help her navigate the world of manly love.
The plank board fence around the back yard that had protected Apple’s children for the more frighting part of the world, had one board missing. This was Boots sneak gate, to the conservation area at the back of the house.
She could meet people in private there. She loved Lucas and her dog spot.
her growing need for independence had given her the courage to apply for and obtain part time work at the local coffee drive through. Boots collaborated there with her friend Melissa.
Boots world politically had become was like her grandmothers split in half by a curtain of iron. With China and Russia on one side and United States, Canada, Germany, and Japan, and others on the other side, the free world.
Vladimir Putin was dead the victim of a sniper’s bullet from an American expert shooter who had given his life to get the job done. This act however had just enraged the Russian oligarchy who had replaced him with Alex Zhelev. Commonly referred to in the west as “The Hammer".
This Man had built walls. Ukraine walls. These manufactured objects had blocked passage in or out of a substantial portion of the eastern half of Ukraine.
Like her father Boots was politically astute, a child prodigy. Sensitive to human rights. Having Lucas as her little brother she had grown up knowing, in her very being, that she must now and in the future be his protector.
Boots herself knew she was destined for a future in politics. She had already joined a youth group of a leading Canadian political party. She had learned through osmosis from her father the structure of Canadian politics.
Justin Trudeau had finally gone down in a devastating electoral loss. An event that occurred after the unite the right campaign had finally brought together a constantly divided right wing
The world she lived in was a place that would challenge the underlining values a democracy needed to survive. Justin Trudeau had done extensive damage to the Canadian Government structure after he had invoked the Emergency act against the truckers and then in an act of political indecency had lifted the skirt of the N. D. P. and formed the closest reflection to a co-olation government in the history of Canadian politics.
This at the expense of party integrity.
Party integrity, Boot’s believed, was an essential part of Canadian Democracy.
The issue of a federal political party, “The Bloc,” being able to field candidates in only one province. Needed to delt with by legislative changes and possible change to the constitution. Boot's thought that mankind's forward progress would be stopped only by an inablity to contorl all aspects of the violence of war.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Grammer check

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 24 New Cyber-Evolution

Earth Date March 27th.2022

Geo Frampton was taking his turn as seminar lead, in Richard’s political science class. Geo started with the statement that the pandemic had speeded up change in society that was supposed to happen much slower.
“These changes needed the critical eye of opposition.”
Geo remarked, “This may seem like a strange statement to make but I think the food supply in Canada is under stress,” “Social change is leading to an elitist society The big winners here are homeowners with a paid off mortgage.
There is nothing wrong with this, these people have worked all their lives or at the very least twenty years to pay down their mortgage.
The danger here is that the younger home buyer will be out of the market.
“Home ownership has always been one of the best paths to financial security.
However, the NDP pressing the liberals for a tax on bank profits does little to address the real issue of extremely high real estate prices.
We need to take a good look at the world we are leaving behind as we move online.
The historical role of an opposition party has been to ask the questions?” So, what are the questions?
The most basic one is do all Canadians have an equal opportunity to succeed. “We could look at the basic’s food, housing, and shelter. These must be available to all Canadians in a world of explosive population growth, climate change, war, and refugees.”
“To access the virtual world the individual Canadian must first have housing. That in turn gives access to personal hardware, then software. Now we move to the world of fees, and subscriptions, which is more expense”
“The internet has changed the world of movies, the Oscar goes to a streaming service event, that 20% of Canadians will never see.
Music marketing has changed, the pandemic changed Intercity transit, major independent owners went bankrupt.
There is no return no looking back, control of niche markets is tightening. As the virtual world gains more control personal freedoms are in retreat.” Richard Interrupts this diatribe. “Geo, I think your straying from the topic? The question was,
Did the NDP become a political prostitute by inking this deal with the minority Liberal Government?
I also suggested that this situation would not have happened if the Bloc and every federal political party,
under rule of the constitution,
must field candidates in every federal riding across the nation and not on province.
I thought you would address the question of splinter political parties on the far right and how their actions weaken the Canadian political System”
Richard continues, “The United States has a two-party system That I believe makes democracy more efficient.
Geo, you can sit down."
Itza Goldberg another student says, “Geo is on the right track he is talking about the problems students encounter, with a changing economy, finding work, a pandemic, and what I would address as cyber-Evolution.
Events are proceeding toward a world I may not want.
A world where the upper middle class has food and shopping delivery to their door, and the small independent shop owner has his lively hood in peril.
The federal government has done nothing for job creation.
Government responds to big money and big money wants political influence.
What is really happening here is a preparation for a significant reduction in world population.”
Richard, “That would be a criminal act do you think humankind will let that happen.”
Itza, “Why not? We have no qualms about letting our mentally ill wander the streets.
It is like they are surplus people.
When you are talk about the mentally ill, and sometimes the disabled, our society is non inclusive.
The unemployment rate for disabled people is significantly higher than the norm.”
Richard suddenly remembers that Itza is a special needs student with Muscular dystrophy.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave:

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Earth Date March 29th.2022

Boots is giving a TED presentation.
At just 15 years old she is to give by invitation from the University of Guelph and TED TALKS an address at Rozanski hall.
This event is happening in part because of the relentless promotional efforts of her current affairs teacher MS. Haley Robert – Bamford.
Boot’s topic is, “The Cookie.” She starts speaking, “Good morning my name is Kar Kylyle, but most people call me Boots, today I want to talk about the Cookie,
Boots had practiced this speech so many times with Melissa, and by herself in front of the mirror. Now the words are memorized, the face and hand gestures fixed to a pattern. She had first given the talk at Resurrection Catholic Secondary school, first to her classmates, then to a general assembly held in the school’s only large lecture theatre.
“The Cookie is still with us” Boost spoke with confidence. She had learned long ago that she was intellectually advanced. Still, they were two things' Boots needed right now to function and stay focused.
The constant love of her devoted mother who had taken time off work today to attend Boots Lecture and her brother Lucas.
Today Boot suddenly went off script. Boots before I really get into this topic, I would like to acknowledge that I am me, partly because of the efforts of my mom. Mom, can you stand up please.”
Apple is embarrassed but stands up. Boots “this is my mother Apple, and it is her birthday today. We are both fans of stomping Tom Connors music and we love to sing the song together about the hockey mom.
My brother Lucas is sitting there beside my mom.
However, to get back on script. Boots “The cookie is with us now, and how we respond to this cookie crisis will be judged by future historians.”
Boot’s again goes off script. “Mom you can sit down now.”
“How did the cookie change our world? We can start with recent reports from China that cell phone sales in that part of the world have slowed due to lockdowns,”
“Well, you might ask yourself, why don’t companies sell them online?”
“Maybe China might not have the laptop purchasing power that we do here in North America.”
Every country's response to cookies is different. But lockdowns are a knee jerk response with all governments."
"I am going to tell you now that unless we think up radical new Ideas. Canada will be in lockdown again in January and February 2023." “The danger with a lock down is that it will shut down certain sectors of a nation's economy.”
“It is good for online sales and food order companies. A lock down has in the past been hard on the local grocer and pubs. This is the local town. Buildings make a town and pay property taxes”
“The Mayor of Toronto recently made a plea for people to come back to work downtown.” “Why? Because people make the city.”
"hands up, how many here want to tax the Internet?"
“Is the cookie real, or a means of social manipulation, behavior modification?"
”The cookie is real, but the threat posed by the cookie, gives government and industry the opportunity to manipulate human behavior.”
“We must decide now what kind of world we want"
"It is especially important to understand how far we are willing to go, and what kind of disruption to our personal life we want to allow.”
“One disabled man told me after getting special permission to take a credit course in creative writing. He believed his counsellor failed him because she simply did not do her job and help him to properly deal with issues caused at the start of semester by the cookie."
Lockdowns should never be a place to hide from doing the job we have, and to do that Job to the best of our abilities.“
“During the reign of the cookie disruptions in communication were commonplace, and communication with the government that was already difficult became deplorable."
"A homeless man my brother Lucas and I met begging in the street. Said he could not get a place to live because his wallet with Identification was not with him. It would take six weeks to get new stuff."
"Two months later in January at the same street corner. I asked him if he had spoken with a social worker. He said no, he looked to me like he had lost fifty pounds,”
“The family of people who are in nursing homes and retirement residencies are without the visits from family. Even now any visit from family involves a rapid test. While the people outside the home can take off their masks, inside retirement residencies and nursing homes and on public transit masks are mandatory.”
“The masking mandate will come back. It may never go away, so if you want to stay in school or travel, keep your vaccine history up to date.”
“The thought I want to leave you with is this one, the methods the people of the Middle Ages used to combat the Bubonic Plague today seem primitive. If humankind lives another three hundred years. How will history record the roaring twenties and the reign of the Cookie?”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 25 start over

Earth Date March 30th.2022

“You Know, one of my students was talking about the Extermination of vast numbers of the world population, in order to accommodate what I have defined in my classes, as the age of Aquarius.” Richard is speaking to another faculty member. In a private bar at the on-university property”
Oliver Black is a professor of Philosophy on campus, “you know Richard, I am no Medical Doctor, but I want to tell you about something I think I heard on a news broadcast this morning.”
"The newscaster said “We do not know what number of generations this Virus will mutate through before it is not recognizable as Covid. At that point, the kill ratio will be much Higher”
Oliver again says, “I am still not sure if I heard that right.”
Oliver, “Richard we must look at world population from a statistician point of view.
If country, A, no longer must support drug addicts, the elderly, or the disabled, and all the other countries around the world are still doing so. Then country, A, has just gained a significant economic advantage over B, C, and D.
This is telling stories out of school if you want to survive in politics, but I believe in free speech.
We must talk about the ideas of which we are most afraid.
Richard, “yes, I have noticed the news about the war and the pandemic,
no significant news about world population or climate change.
So, is there a G10 conspiracy afoot?”
Oliver, “Do not be daft. Events like these cannot be part of the agenda of any meetings, they just happen.”
Richard, “oh of course like the pandemic.” Oliver, “yes I do not think that anything like a pandemic would could be premeditated by any country, nation or peoples”
Richard is now on the phone to Apple,
“hon, I am truly
Sorry for whatever happened between us.
I was feeling the trust that I placed in you, was a bad judgment on my part”
Apple, I feel the same, I mean, I made a wrong decision based solely on my emotional feeling at the time and I did not anticipate the result.
Richard, “Apple you are not alone there, I have made a at least ten of those kinds of decisions myself.
I am off the alcohol altogether and I have been feeling better for a couple of months.
I keep it around for guests. Apple, “that is good news, I mean that you are feeling better. We all miss you and want you home.
Richard, “well Apple you know I want nothing less, but I must feel safe in my own home.
The way it stands now I have my name down as an alcohol, risk, and a domestic risk, with the justice system.”
“All it takes is one phone call from you and I am in lock up.”
“So, I need legal guarantees from you, the papers are at my lawyer’s office.
You are going to say you never made a complaint. We will start from fresh.
Any records will vanish.
That is the only way out for me. Apple, yes, I want to fall in love all over again, but you must promise Lucas remains our dependent, for as long as he needs that help and no Institution.
Richard, “Ok Apple But both kids have claim on the house.”
Apple, “Agreed”

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 27 The Hospital

Earth Date April 1st.2022

Apple is at work, and it was a slow time, towards the end of shift when she had time to think.
“Triage was a concept in medicine she understood well. It is sometimes a good thing to let the world know you are in pain, more so when you first arrive at the hospital. Especially if you arrive by ambulance.”
“If the patient will not let the Triage nurse know there in severe pain, then that very nurse might not let that patient see a doctor for three hours because she has bumped them back in the line.”
“This is a constant in a hospital setting, because the worst-case scenario would be to have the Hospitals best team of surgeons preforming a heart transplant on a patient who has stage four liver cancer.”
“Triage is the concept of keeping priorities in order with only one emergency room doctor on duty. The hospital must use him as a prized resource, you do not want him looking at a big sore pimple. When he or she should be attending at the side of a crash cart that has a car accident victim lying on top.”
Apple is allowing her mind to wander She thinks about Mom, so far away in United States. “The chronic diseases of old age will play a role in who gets treatment first, Obesity, hiatal hernia, angina, and stroke. Weather a person can walk or not and previous medical history, even mental illness all these factors have a rung on the triage ladder.
In the end it is triage that can quietly decide life or death. On the lowest rung of the ladder, there is the DO NOT resuscitate order that can also bring life to a close. These decisions are part of the hospital environment all the time pressing on the minds of the medical staff. and are a consequence of human mortality. Sometimes everyone’s life story reaches its last chapter and ends
Richard is again asking questions of his student he is trying to make them think about the world around them.
He says, “are we deliberately killing the economy of Afghanistan? Do we have the right to do this?”
I think we have failed as human beings to completely control war.
Now we have a situation, a question of human rights.
the United States wants Afghanistan as a country to go away. Perhaps hoping a phoenix will rise in its place. A country with the same human rights values that the western democracies hold dear.”
“I want to you to ask yourself something.”If we can kill a country by economic means, is this how we will address the problem of overpopulation?”
Our age of Aquarius is in jeopardy.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 28 Logic

Earth Date April 3rd.2022

Boot’s is at a friend’s condominium in a tower in Toronto
The friend is a Chinees Canadian real name is Li Jing.
But she uses the English name Ann when she needs to feel non-threatening. Boots met Li in a residence for first year University students, at Waterloo University.
At age 15 Boots completed the requirements for a high school diploma and had moved on campus to the University where her dad taught.
Because Dad was faculty boots tuition is free.
Boots was good at making friends but also good at losing them. Malisa was one year behind her, still in high school.
Boots missed her best friend Malisa and faced another problem Boys,
the young men on campus avoided her because of her age. Time after Time she had gone to an all-ages dance and left crying thinking about the song by “Robyn, Dancing on my own.” After seeing any young man, she was interested in meeting leave with an older Student.
She had discovered Li’s father Yang worked as a structural Engineer and Wu; Li’s mother was a backend coder for Microsoft.
The condominium was a community limited only to the people you could get to know. Inside the building there was a swimming pool, a gym, two bars, a breakfast coffee store, a food store, a small banquette hall and a games room.
Although pandemic lockdown restrictions had caused closures during the winter. The Place was a wide-open paradise for two lonely young women.
In condominium unit number 705 the two girls slept together in the same bedroom. The room was large enoungh to accomadate two Queen sized beds
And in this place of safety their bond grew strong.
Both students aiming high to get a degree in law. That; Boot’s thought, was the gateway into Politics.
The two girls had taken the day off from study to relax in Toronto.
The first place was of course church, St. Michael’s Cathedral.
here the two girls had their first encounter with a real Cardinal and native Americas dressed for the Occasion. The Pope had asked all Canadians bishops should demonstrate a sign of solidarity with the Native American population in Canada as part of the truth and reconciliation program.
It was a Catholic Sin.
The residential school system. Then the rest of the day was spent at Li’s home baking bread by the stir method, Something Boot’s has learned from her grandmother, It was a hobby that would carry her through the on with for rest of her life.
listening to the music of, among others Justin Bieber, Li like his song, “Peaches”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 29 Logic

Earth Date April 5th.2022

A. 1. Most women’s fashion designers are men.
All men a chauvinists.
Therefore, High heels and eye makeup, were made to put women at a disadvantage.
B. 2. A woman wearing spike heels and makeup is considered respectable.
Therefore, a woman not wearing makeup and spike heels, is not respectable.
C 3. Formal dress for a man is practical and empowering and makes a statement of Control and social status.
4. Formal dress for women can make a statement of social status. Formal dress for women is sometimes not practical for the job and can communicate vulnerability and dependency.
5. Therefore, women must be careful to dress for the job, but men do not.
D 6. Make up eye shadow, plastic fingernails, and high heels are fun.
7. Riding a rollercoaster is fun.
8. A roller coaster is entertainment.
9. Therefore, women are entertainment
Boots is taking a class in Logic.
The professor’s name is Bee Onan. She is short, five foot four. A woman with dyed bright blue hair. Her own natural eyebrows, her own nails and lashes, a white silk blouse, a purple mesh panel skirt and practical pair of brown shoes. She is standing at the front of the lecture hall, Talking to the class.
“Bee On the screen you can see the Questions, fallacious arguments, made up for class I asked you the find fault with the three arguments and then make one of your own. Kar you have something to say?” Bee was the only prof who addressed Boots by her name not her nickname.
Boot’s stands up, “yes mam I do have an answer for you.
1. Fashion is an art.
2. Art can be self-expression
3. Fashion is self-expression fashion can help create Identity.
Bee "what about the argument guys have, that long fingernails and fake eyelashes are a statement that says the girl is unwilling to do hard work. A Boy who grew up on a farm might see a girl like that as less of a partner and more as just High Maintenance. Even self-indulgent.
What about the statement that only rich girls can afford fashion?
Boots is about to say more,
when Bee says, "that was a satisfactory answer, but this is a class in logic. And the point that fashion is art is debatable.”
“When we are dealing with points of Law any argument presented in court must be to the point and without any vagueness.” Bee addresses another student,
“Simon using just logic not Legal argument tell me why the man who steps off a curb on a walk signal and is then struck by a car is entitled to compensation.
Simon, 1. “The man can see. He has been given a signal to that it is safe to cross.
2. He steps into the road because he has the light in his Favour, it is safe to do so.
It is not safe because of the actions of a driver who did not follow the rules. 3. Compensation is due to him because he had the right to expect to be safe.“
Bee “What if the drivers brakes failed?” Simon “Compensation is still due because, he had the light in his Favour and had the right to feel safe crossing the street. Bee, “Very good”
Bee again, “What about a man who enters a subway train in Toronto expecting to sit on a seat, but the seat pops back up and the man falls to the floor.”
Simon, “If there was no signage saying the seat would operate in a different manner for the norm the man should expect to be compensated.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 30 Quarterback sneak

Earth Date April 5th.2022

The deep peaceful Canadian woods had always been a part of boots very soul.
The summer BBQ of fresh caught fish, the call of the loon, the tapping of the woodpecker, and the buzz of the red winged black bird. The forever summers of the cottage. Boots, brother Lucas loved to fish his skin would darken deep golden tan as soon as the Canadian weather let up enough to allow the 50 days of sun a year, that God in his wisdom had granted to the average Canadian.
Lucas had grown up to the age of twelve, he loved sport, Hockey, Basketball, and he was baseball crazy. He had worked as a dishwasher running and draining the Hobart machine and washing the pots by hand. The job was only part-time due to pandemic restrictions.
Lucas had managed to save enough to build what he called His speaking box.
As well as knowing every local player, and their stats Lucas knew all Major league Players too.
All this hidden inside. Because for him writing and talking were difficult.
He had become a popular boy, people liked to be around him. If he could not talk, he would use a read aloud text to speech program and make his point from the baseball reference guide on the internet.
The internet was to save Lucas from the madness of Ontario’s welfare system.
Richard, Lucas’s father, was now becoming enlightened as to the wisdom of Apple’s push for a life plan for Lucas.
Living at home now having seen Lucas his son, in action. Richard was starting to love his son.
Inside Richard, pride was replacing pity. He had come to realize after encounters with O. D. S. P. social workers. That that system was a trap and would not be in the best interest for his sons Future.
That system was a failure, a top-heavy bureaucracy. Full of paper pushers, and people who made money from poverty and homelessness.
Richard had decided these were not the kind of people he wanted charged with looking after the life of his son.
“Hello Son.” Lucas was on the couch watching a football game Live.
He had invented a little speaker box with a joystick, and it could speak for him.
But because of the hand movement he had only limited use of a keyboard The box was of his own design and modeled using 3d printing with the help of his Industrial arts teacher at his high school.

Lucas also made the silicon chip for it, using the 3d printer.
Samsung’s internet browser is now accessed by a joystick attached to a simple game console and integrated with a Smart Samsung TV anywhere.
With this device while still watching the TV Lucas answered his father.
Sounding a bit like Stephen Hawking.
Richard’s son spoke, “here comes the quarterback sneak.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 31 The Show

Earth Date April 8th.2022

“I think the problem needs to be addressed.”
Apple, Boots, Richard, and Lucas are attending a virtual seminar on drug use in the workplace.
There is a camera mounted. It is on the top of the Kylyle’s smart tv located in the basement? The half of the basement that Lucas does not claim as his own.
Dr. Elmer Fubsy’s face is on the TV “At least two Canadian provinces are considering making more illicit drugs legal, attempting to stem the death toll from overdose.”
“It is like Alice, the mushroom. You eat it, you take it knowing there will be consequences. Your ten feet, tall but there is no other side to this mushroom. You will be Avatar for the rest of your life, Minus the sexy tail of course” Is Marijuana use at work in Canada is becoming a socially acceptable thing to do? Since the legalization of marijuana, we have more weed stores than major grocery chains. I want to hear from you: if you feel that heroin users should have a prescription for methadone and granted a welfare allowance. These addicts could be in Ukraine fighting for a cause, that could either kill them or make them grow up?”
Lucas fingers his joystick, and His face Appears on the screen.
That machine like voice is speaking. “That would be cruel, how long would it be before you killed off all the disabled people too?”
It is Fubsy talking again “I did not say that; what I did say is that a drug user makes a choice, sometimes every day. Then these addicts say to society, help me I made a mistake. I thought the whole Idea of legalizing marijuana was to allow people to make up their own mind just like liquor or beer.
Disable people do not choose that lifestyle;
this is an unfortunate situation that places an obligation, not a request, on the social safety net.
In the story of a disabled persons life, the safety net may never involve consuming these resources. All the same they are available to empower a person who is at a disadvantage to a better life.
I have wander off topic here”
Nathan Fife is on screen, “I have fought addiction all my life and I do not think the government has a right to let me die. or force me to fight in Ukraine."
Elmer Fubsy’s, pudgy face is again on the screen. This is a man who has made his reputation saying the outrageous. He is about to do it again.
Fubsy “Sir Do you have a job?”
“I am unemployed right now”
“Do you receive Methadone treatments?
Nathan, “yes”
“I will tell you what Nathan; I will, at my expense, send you to the Last Chance Drug Rehabilitation Center in Prince George British Columbia. You will be back here in 6 months to tell us what you learned.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 32 Election

Earth Date April 10th 2022

“I get it, I do Get it, Pandemic restrictions are harder when you're poor.” Boot’s now eighteen is giving a campaign speech at Waterloo Square, only a short distance from the University of Waterloo’s Perimeter Center where the great Stephen Hawking spoke.
Although Boots has a powerful intellect. At 18 years of age, she has a BSc from the University of Waterloo and is studying Law at York University’s Osgood Hall. Her mind is no match to the mind of the great scientist. Hawking Who had a mind that God Grants as a gift to Humankind once maybe every fifty years. She is giving this speech in a bid to win a seat on Waterloo City council.
She commutes on weekdays to Toronto using the GO train. Accessed very conveniently by taking a ride on the Waterloo Regional Government’s LRC from Union Station she then rides the TTC to York University subway station. Gas prices are extremely high and the war in Ukraine has raged for years despite the death of Vladmir Putin. Boots continues, “I grew up with loving kind and affluent parents. I am smart and I have grit.
Not so many are as lucky as me. There are people who work in our local factories. They rely on transit to get them to work. I know you would be amazed at the friends you can make riding buses and trains.
One of the people I know boards the train, I take to work in Guelph. He tells me transit in that city has been badly planned. It has evolved from a small dial a bus project to now in the year 2028, most people must book a bus the day before work on their phone. everyday even to get to the Supermarket. The people of Guelph who use transit in this year 2028 must plan their trip in advance. “So why do I speak to you of Guelph when I am running for office in Waterloo. The Transit system in Guelph was poorly planned and unlike the systems in Waterloo, Mississauga, and Toronto government grant money and investment should have prioritized permanent transit infrastructure."
"Yes, I do get it, A plan like dial a bus just adds another genuine hardship to working people’s lives." I want good transit planning. If elected, I will work to make the wonderful transit system we have in Waterloo even better. Reduce wait times and make it less of a challenge to take transit in Winter. Our community could introduce quieter electric buses closer to home. I get those pandemic restrictions are needed, we are 6 years into this, and everyone eligible has had at least five shots. This does not mean everyone is getting through this ok.
It is easier to get through a Canadian Winter If you can fly south for a week, and have food delivered to your door.
It looks like long range planning is a bit unsure, we need absolute clarification of the rules of the Game well in advance.
Pandemic restriction is not an excuse to be rude to your neighbor, or for government offices, or Universities to block communication.
Restrictions should have a negligible effect on the mental health of the elderly and the young.” Pandemic restrictions are at best a stop gap to prevent the problem getting any worse, with God's grace twenty years from now with the plague under control humankind will call today’s efforts at pandemic control primitive.
As we now call some of the methods used to control the bubonic plague.
The last thing on my mind is taxes, every municipal government runs on property taxes. If we lose our little tax paying shops and stores, we could lose our towns Identity.
Virtual shopping is fun, but I am for the kind of marketing where the buyer only gets a discount when they shop in person.
Thank you for your time, People call me Boots,
But on Your ballet, I am Karhan Kylyle. What we need is another mind like Sephen Hawking to sort the world out. But I think it would have to be a political mibd. notlike Hwking Who was good in science

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 33 More Politics

Earth Date April 11th 2022

Boots is Continuing her speech “Transit cannot be effective if it is not responsive, in the summer people want to go camping and walk trails and get outdoors.
These facilities are just outside city limits. There is no sense running empty buses in the summer on routes that students used to take to get to school. So, I suggest we place those buses on summer routes,” Here in Waterloo, we have an advantage. Unlike cities where transit stops at the city limits, we have Regional Government here.
One of the rides I take when, I crave the countryside is the route that leaves Conestoga Mall and goes to Elmira by way of St. Jacobs.”
“I want to stress to you that, if elected as your representative on Waterloo City Councilor my influence on transit policy would be extremely limited. Transit is the responsibility of the government of the Region of Waterloo, not only that, but Grand River Transit is also a private company.”
“As your representative at City Hall, I will mostly be looking at the less spectacular administration of Government authority, zoning regulations, and bylaws.”
“So, I will do my best to change the events I can and influence the events that are important to me. I stand against domestic violence of any kind, I stand with Aboriginal peoples, and the civil liberties of all people everywhere.”
The use if covid restriction to accumulate wealth has changed our economic structure. Passive income is accessible to upper middle-class individuals but not to others, working people need transit, supermarkets, OHIP and childcare. This is 2027. We all know the effect these restrictions have on our towns and cities. Little villages are losing their Identity if not vanishing all together. Although covid restrictions are in the Jurisdiction of the Federal and provincial governments. In this year 2027. You can already see we have lost social Norms; we may never get back.
“I believe after 6 years of this pandemic we must allow free speech about alternatives to masking up and social distancing. This is a Sars virus what about a pill to flush your whole body. Can we not do any better than a mask?”
Boot’s Grandmother is dying her journey from her beloved home to hospital, then to a Retirement home,
her house with all its mixers, loaf pans, and her microwave convection oven, is empty except for her pet cat Dodger. Her freezer was still filled with cakes, pies, and bread. The creations of her hands, activity that had brought joy and contentment into her life.
Grandma has had a fall and is now in pain from internal bleeding. She prays to her God; “I am lord, less than a perfect human being forgive me my conceits and failures.” Then she hears her answer, “My darling child the life I granted you, you have made good, that life is now complete. I am pleased with you. I take you now. In my arms.”
Boots is on the phone, her mother Apple is in tears, “How dare you say to me you had no contacts for her next of kin!” The phone disconnects.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 35 Chicago

Earth Date April 12th 2022

Standing In the backyard of her dead Grandmothers house.
Boots is aware of the history of the city, of Chicago, the race riots of the sixties, the labor strikes, this is what Boots thought she knew about this Great American City.
The sticky Onion was about to show her more personality now that she was old enough to understand.
Chicago was not a native American word like Ontario or Mississauga. Chicago was a word derived from the Spanish word for sticky onion a plant that Grew in the Chicago River.
The sicky onion was the T cross bar for Canadian National Railways. Trains for Canada came on route through Kalamazoo from the border crossings at Windsor and Sarnia.
These trains shuffled fright cars like a deck of playing cards in the great cities' huge rail yards. Then huge eighty thousand horsepower diesel locomotives would yank fifty thousand tons of factory condition newly built cars, south to Florida.
or empty oil tank cars to Canada, potatoes to California and lettuce to Toronto.
There is a time when a garden in north America whispers about the beauty of spring and all the world is flowers. Crab-apple, cherry forsythia, lilies, Lavender and geraniums, green moss with diamonds of dew. The mist was lifting to allow the warm brown, yellow summer sun to warm the bare white flesh that had survived the impact of a Canadian Winter.
Boot and Apple clasped hand and discussed how Mary had died, too soon to see all this.
At the funeral Boots wanted to be careful not to touch the body in the casket. She had touched one before and the face had broken crumpled like the leaves in fall.
The family had, had trouble crossing the border. For under the title “purpose of visit: line 2; Apple had to provide documentation for proof of kin. medical history. All members of the family had to have a rapid covid test.
Richard had Mutter something under his breath About how in six years no one had produced something more creative that a paper mask. Everyone had to take their mask off before Dodger the cat would settle enough to eat.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 36 The Face of Ugly

Earth Date April 14th 2022

“Surrounded by the spectacular beauty of her Grandparents Garden, Boots finds she is making American friends.
“So, you’re the young Canadian girl running for politics in Ontario?” “Yes, who told you that?” Your mother of course. What I am interested in is your opinion of this war in Ukraine. You see I am a journalist, oh how rude of me I am Simon Springer.”
Boots answers slowly and with caution, “my name is Karhen Kylyle most people call me Boots, what I think about the war is it should end. Humankind should not make war; war is destructive, and war makes this gift of mother earth an extremely dangerous place to live.”
Boots continues, “Making war and waging war for whatever rationalization is a primitive activity?” Unless humans control violence we will not survive on this earth.”
Bullies must not have the opportunity to threaten world peace, but that must happen before violence starts.
It is 2027 now and that war started in 2022. It started because I believe the countries of N.A.T. O. did not have the backbone to put boots on the ground when there were first indications of an invasion by Russia. Now in 2027 it is not a case of who did what or who committed a war crime. Simply put, the violence must stop.
“Bravo,” Simon filled with glee says, “you certainly express yourself. Allow me to show you around Chicago.” Boots is wearing a yellow skirt and a retro yellow cashmere sweater over a white blouse and stockings with yellow walking shoes. Simon is wearing a retro top hat and an old tuxedo with a tail, a very white shirt, and a green bow tie. He has black walking shoes. New clothing is hard to buy because of rationing in both United States and Canada.
Simon,“Of course, you know about the elevated railway. That is where we will start. I did not ask, but can you play your own music?” Boots “yes”
“Oh good. Because we have local jazz music here you cannot find anywhere else in the world, Dusty Groove is my favorite record store. Then we can eat.
If you are hungry, we can take out, or eat in, or curbside. Somewhere in East Ukrainian village, Uncle Mike’s place, or someplace We can get into on a moment's notice.
Richard Kylyle is not in Chicago, He is still teaching class in Waterloo, four hundred level World Politics, He is Talking to the class,
I am giving away my age here,but I have a story to tell. Did you know that it was Richard Milhouse Nixon who ended the conflict in Vietnam? A conflict that raged through the terms of four presidents. During that war there was use of napalm and agent orange. Chemical warfare is nothing new. However, the killing of Russia’s soldiers on Russia soil. Until now has not happened before since World War Two.
Peace and stability come when no one is viewed as The Enemy.
It will not be easy to forgive and end this war, but it must be done.
This war should never have started in the first place. We can only bait the Russian bear so far.
I always try to Imagine if our planet is visited right now by an alien who is not hostile but has more intelligence than we do. How would it rescue our world?
What if the aliens came here following the map, we placed on the Voyager. spacecraft?
Then again, we my blow ourselves up in a nuclear holocaust, and the space craft Voyager would be the only recording of the history of Humankind.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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YELLOW BOOTS episode 37 No Way back

Earth Date April 15th 2022

All the seniors’ residences were in lockdown. In one way or another, for some homes that meant patio access and meals in the room no dining room or community room no leaving the premisis.
The rules were always enforced much stricter on long weekends. So,this Easter weekend Apple was finding it exceedingly difficult to ascertain the exact cause of death of her mother Mary Francine. Apple was finding, just as her daughter had, that the average American was super friendly.
It was like they were born confident and smiling ready to shake your hand.
Gaynelle Wilson, Mary’s next-door neighbor, is talking to Apple. The two have gone inside Mary’s house and are talking alone in a bedroom upstairs. Gaynelle, “that woman, your mother, she loved the kitchen, she had it made over three times.”
Apple, “I haven’t even seen it yet, I have had too much on my mind. That is the surprise that future adventure will bring. Her death was so sudden do you know much about it?”
“You know Apple,” Gaynelle begins, “Old people, unless they have an active Advocate, they are considered dead before their dead. Ever since this pandemic hit old people are called vulnerable but are regarded as the social group most likely to be infectious.
She died in the Springfield retirement residence. She would never let herself be placed in nursing care.”
“No, she had that written into the instructions on her medic alert. Did she die of the plague?”
I was here at the front door when she left by ambulance. It was a stroke. The police were there too because they had to knock on the front door. Did she have a medical alert of some kind?”
Apple, “She had a wristwatch, I think, she wasn’t talking to me much recently because we would not visit. She talked to my daughter mostly by Skype. I am not much for travel, and I really don’t like crossing the border. She was upset with me for that, but she still left me Power of Attorney. It took the authorities here three days to find the will. Then I had to prove it at my end by fax.”
“Yes, I do think it was a stroke, I know you’re a medic, but I tell you, sometimes you go into hospital and the emergency nurse is told of the stroke but can miss on the bruised hip or shoulder. Apple, “a stroke is recoverable are you saying there was a complication?”
“It is more likely than not.”
Apple knew from her on the job training that she needed more information to grieve and respect the loss of her mother from her world. She knew the tears would come, but not right now. She thanked Ms. Wilson for the information and had gone downstairs. The gathering of people in the backyard was smaller now.
The little party of Neighbour's friends and customers of her mothers had been arranged by funeral director Preston N Smithfield who had placed an ad in the Chicago Sun Times, then received one hundred phone calls and emails expressing sympathy.
Preston Smithfield had then been in constant communication with Apple as she had progressed on her journey from Canada by train.
Preston had set the date of the gathering at Apples request. She had told him to push it back a day because, unlike the days before the pandemic, the VIA Rail passenger train stopped at the Canadian border.
Apple and Boots had to make their own way across the Detroit River to pick up an Amtrack train in United States.
There was no longer the relay of Amtrak and VIA Rail trains running in exchange across the border all the way from Toronto to Chicago.
Apple Touched the kitchen counter of her mother’s home, The two KitchenAide blenders, and a special microwave super oven were all there. Apple fell to her knees in grief and tears.She gave voice to the grief of her wounded soul, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. The date is Sunday March 27, 2027.