Thursday, October 19, 2023

if pep ad


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Movie review revelation walk across my swimming pool. One of the more delicious days I spent at the University of Guelph campus when I was a student getting my degree, I decided to go to the campus cinema and what was showing changed my life. It was Jesus Christ Superstar. I had never really understood the human side of Jesus and the music was a wonderful introduction to the emotional confusion that must've surrounded the life of our savior Jesus Christ. Tonight, I had another delicious moment at the theatre. I went to see Journey to Bethlehem. Both films have the right actor to portray King Herod. The movie journey to Bethlehem is for everyone so however you get there walk, crawl, or stagger. to this movie journey to Bethlehem, is it true revelation of the birth of Jesus Christ, the whole family. Even has Christmas carols.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

What is happening in Guelph

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Saturday, October 7, 2023

old Eds

Ontario Christian Right Ontario to this point has prospered under the Conservative Leadership of Doug Fords Government. Mistake have been made, nobody no matter who, cannot help but go wrong. There is disagreement in how the green belt issue was handled. Justice in Ontario is another issue that needs to be addressed. Many people feel that the school system is not setting acceptable standards. there is one, one issue out above all the rest. The issue of the Christian lifestyle that is lived in Ontario. Politicians in this province, if they are wise, can easily see there is a threat to Christian belief. In politics you must choose your fight. You can either align yourself with an issue that you feel that the government of Ontario I was not dealt with and it just manner and split the vote. Politics in Ontario are on a knife edge there is a growing and enraged left. The political parties of the left in Ontario set off alarm bell in the mind of anyone who is aligned with the Christian right. Issue In Ontario there our people who represent many different race, and sexual orientation who represent as Christian. And will continue to support a Christian Ontario. This is the vote that needs to be won over, if the Grinch is it not to steal Christmas. No matter what your issue or how much angry you have over this particular government in Ontario it is of extreme important that the main issue he kept front and centre. We want to see continued generations of Christians making a contribution in Ontario then we must unite the Christian right and pick the right fight, show united front and stand firm in our basic belief. The Pagans have a well organized political machine. Ontario today editorial opinion What is it voters in Ontario would like to see changed? Obvious and outright like a pimple on the face it won't go away is the question of homelessness. Finding to resolve the issue should come from at least partly the provincial government access to federal funding should be available as well. Justin Trudeau and his liberals increased immigration into Canada without first resolving the problem of homelessness. A firsthand point of view I can tell you much then you can find out from the local news. So at the time the Canada would you welcome me refugees from Syria we still had a homeless problem but yet the government local and federal had no problem housing these refugees not only that they were also Bussed to English language school and then given jobs at local car part manufacturers. So where is our priorities here in Guelph ON and in Kitchener the homeless living tents while working people I can barely afford rent. How government funding should resolve the issue is a question. Is genuinely nice to notice that social workers are now on the streets making and effort to communicate with the homeless. Not everyone is able to function in society the way we think they should. Sleeping on the street means that you are usually a victim of identity theft, and it takes a long time to get identity papers. Without papers you can't even file taxes let alone find a place to rent so it's nice to see but this first step are being taken, and you can't get access to government funding. Another issue is credit and access to it. To Some people credit is the only way into housing they will use it pay to pay the first month rent. But the usual situation will prevail that being the bank interest rate may go up and down, but the credit card rate remained high 19 to 20% Thw banks aren't talking not asking why credit is needed or trying to control the amount of credit available. Lloyd Longfield had no problem placing refugees in the local community and finding them jobs, but the same effort does not seem to be made when it comes to finding a homeless place to live. You could say every refugee is they guaranteed vote for the liberals but down here looking up it looks very much right these people have brought whatever problems they had back home enter this country. Yes there is an need even a moral responsibility for a country as rich as Canada to give to the more needy nations of the world. However, immigration can bring people into this country who do not understand our culture and maybe even do not want to. This can put our country at risk. We should I've resolved our problems at home before bringing in the heathen from parts unknown to take jobs away from Canadians

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Novel #3 War without a country, Head Scafe in Space


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Cow on Mars

Earth Date January 13th. 2023

“This going to be a tech day.”
Dave Gibson “was expecting it, as he sat in front of his temperamental pc
asking himself if it was worth even trying to reach the goals on this agenda,
he had set for himself.
Somethings go right and then there are the ones going left,
you have go deal with right away.
Prioritize your bodily functions it is like exacting motion of a ballerina.
Moving across the stage.
Getting a discipline over bodily function was essential, then knowing fastest way around the software on the termanal interface was primary to the tasks of the day.”
Dave’s three year old son, Victor was now at his side asking questions. “Daddy, were are we going, tell me again?”
“Mars, son We are Going to Mars
The year was 2063, the Gibson family had abandoned their live on the planet Earth. To join a community of one hundred pioneer adventurers
would settle and build a community of equals on the red planet.
These people wanted something new. New Government, new economic structure and religion.
A belief that a being with power greater that their own was somehow responsible for the Universe. not human behaviour, but a creator of things.
On board the ship was a handwritten embryonic constitution entitled "These Things We Want.
Another Question
Are there school and houses on Mars?
No son, the community will build them and own them and we will live in peace.
What about birds and cows and animal?
Dave knew that it had taken 40 years to develop the project, from a vague concept to a space station with cattle barns and genetically modified crops on board.
Dave, “yes”
Victor, “are you hunger Daddy?”
“Did you want more of the Banana yogurt extract?”
“Yes please”
“Ok, I will get you some then you must let me do my work.
Dave Gibson was a civil engineer, his assignment by the colony committee was the job of inventing Martian concrete and he had not yet found a Satisfactory product.
Dave was using Microsoft window twenty-four as an assistant and a Google science bot
Both machine were loaded with personality and had to be managed with diplomacy and tact.
Back on planet earth these machines of this type were declared self aware
and given human right under the U.S. constitution.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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AI and the Metaverse

Earth Date January 18th. 2023

IF A and C THEN X Y or Z
that was up on the presentation board in Otto’s A. I. class,
on board the Mars bound ship Blueberry.
Otto is thinking this is like a browser response to keyboard input,
except for optional Z.
The ship has one hundred people and 100.000 robotic Identities onboard,
of the robots only fifty had been declared candidates for human rights under the United Nations code for Artificial Intelligence act of 2060.
Amend was among these fifty,
a Mobile Prodigy 2 model robot identity, with access to the Universe through a Human like robot as well as the internet and the metaverse.
Amend had authority of the ship's entire navigation system as well as two labs,
the embryonic cattle farm, and the Mars building materials lab.
The building Martials lab is the workplace of David Gibson,
Otto works in the intelligence lab as a back-end coder.
The intelligence lab is responsible for all onboard servers. David has just received a communication from Amend
telling him that human food has been found in his last sample of Mars concrete sent for testing.
And would he please wash his hands after contact with his child or ban him altogether from the lab.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Earth Date January 19th. 2023

Amend was a challenging task master to please,
Dave had been surprised several times by Amends’ visual acuity.
The robot entity had electron microscopic eyesight and could also see ultraviolet and night vision.
It would not surprise Dave if the thing could smell too.
This new demand that his son be banned from the lab had upset Dave.
Although he knew the robot was right about the polluted sample, he felt somehow there was a lack of sensitivity on the part of the entity.
Dave, “Amend I can understand your upset with the sample,
but you have the ability to remove the offending particulate matter.
The lab is in my living quarters and my son’s toys are here.
He is a bright kid and understands what my work is about.”
Amend, “Dave the fact that your lab is located in your living space does not excuse you from doing sloppy work, I do not need to tax my resources correcting your mistakes.”
Dave considers what the machine just said to him. He had gotten his job on the Blueberry through a contest of submitted proposals by PhD graduates.
He was thought professionally qualified for the job and methodical and meticulous in his attitude regarding his work.
He knew that Amend had a tactful and politeness subroutine in his software,
but it was absent today.
He considers the role of the robot entity to be that of lab assistant not lab administrator.
He sat at his lab terminal and blocked Amend access. Dave was composing a message to Otto about Amend behavior.
Amend “Dave, I know you are typing a message I cannot see, so I will assume it is not work related.
I would like to see a new sample mix from you at 1400 hr. ship time today.”
Dave’s emotions are in a knot, he does like being ordered around by a robot.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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531, Steffler Tweed, God

Earth Date January 25th. 2023

Otto Was still thinking about the algorithm when he read Dave’s email,
Otto reviews the Manual for Amed's,
Politeness subroutine and found there was an override in case of human carelessness or neglect.
Amend had been Programed for his own survival.
“That would mean if Amed survived then the mission Survived.” Otto was thinking.
The manual stated that all Amed links to what he controlled were classed as accessible only to 531, that was the man the mission called God.
He Had died of heart failure at the age of 22 years.
“Oh, the Motility of man.” Otto thought,
as he composes a response to Dave’s email. “Strictly private he had it marked that meant Amed could not read it.
“Amed does not understand your less than perfect work ethic
and your relationship with your son. He is responding to his mission command rules let us put it this way,
if Amend had a hobby it would be to build Amed 2.
Amen does not understand love. So, give him a little room Dave.
e do not know that much about him since Steffler Tweed died. I am taking classes,
but I would not even Hazard a guess about motivational subroutines. Pilot two, Dash Colins had noticed a slight deviation off the plotted course
“Amed what is this have I calculated this wrong we are not on course, “no worries dash I just needed to send robot scouts to that asteroid check for uranium.
“What do we need that for Amed, we have enough to last you fifteen years.”
Just checking Dash there is no harm in that.” Otto has another email of concern this time from Dash, Otto now has quietly remove Amed’s motivational
subroutine for analysis by Frog his personal pc.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Space Farming

Earth Date January 27th. 2023

What to eat was Dave’s next quest
the horticulturalists aboard the ship were growing eatable plants
working in conjunction with the ship’s kitchen.
This was the way it had to be, because for most plants consumed for food on earth,
the seed was less weight to launch into space from planet earth.
Still, although the plan had been to make the maximum harvest available on Mars there was varied menu available now,
thanks to the ship’s artificial magnetic gravity system and the greenhouse lighting
that was all made possible by the onboard nuclear reactor.
The ship had two of these in case if breakdowns. Already the ships kitchens had tomatoes, lettuce, and mushrooms available.
But Dave’s son Victor,
being the typical kid wanted French fries. These were not available yet. Powdered foods we available in limited Quantity
to mix with liquid or consumed as a paste. Milk was yet only available in powder.
Lucy McBain was head veterinarian
now responsible for the Growth and maturation of the animals in the embryonies lab.
Dave Addressed his robot executive assistant, “Hey Rusty what is on the menu in the kitchen?”
Rusty, “Well Dave there is one item I think you would like and that would be pizza.
“Interesting, what is the dough made of?” “There has been a small harvest of spring wheat.”
“That is delightful,
Hey Rusty what topping are available?
“Tomato, Mushroom, Bean sprouts, spirulina, and Kale, Oregano, plant-based cheese, and Roasted Chicken.
Dave mind was active he knew the good ship Blueberry was a ship that was not built for speed
this group of travelers had lived through twenty years of meticulous planning and rocket ship launches.
So, the journey to Mars was intentionally slower than it needed to be.
Time enough to allow for the farming effort to be well underway when Blueberry reached Mars.
“Time enough, Dave thought, “for the farming of chickens.“
“Hay rusty could you get me and egg?”
“The farm says Chickens first, then the eggs for eating will be available Later” “Then I will have the pizza, with everything on it.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Space Taxes

Earth Date January 31th. 2023

Chapter 5 The Good Ship Blueberry had been built in Modular form assembled in space. Some modules like the heavy engine units had been assembled on the moon and launched from there because of lower gravity. Rocket launches were less expensive.
It was an interesting life for anyone working in manufacture on the moon. Due to conservation laws passed by the government of the Universe Only the back side of the moon was allowed to be the location of any industrial proses There was a need to contend with incessant darkness and cold. By agreement, the of the Government of the Universe the moons could not be mined the weight of the moon had to remain within given parameter so earth would not have disruption in tides. As a result, a steady stream of space tugs pulled small asteroids to the back side of the for Manufacture.
When the Blueberry was made to allow the Modules to disperse within the purchased target property once Mars Had been reached so everything would be set in place for the pioneers to thrive. People would stay and work in the module they were already assigned to. Dave’s wife Faith was in a mood about money, “As soon as you turn around the price of everything goes up. First, they took the house as payment for leaving the Earth.”
Dave, “what do they want now?”
“The council wants a building Materials tax for whatever is built on the red planet. I thought we left earth to get away from this!”
“Last I heard they wanted Property Tax.”
“Oh no, were a community.”


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

Chapter 7

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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The Government Of The Universe

Earth Date Feb 9th. 2023

Chapter 7 short fiction copyright Phil Musgrave Dave’s wife Faith was in a mood about money, “As soon as you turn around the price of everything goes up. First, they took the house as payment for leaving the Earth.” Dave, “what do they want now?”
“The council wants a building Materials tax for whatever was built on the red planet. I thought we left earth to get away from this!”
“Last I heard they wanted Property Tax.” “Oh no, were a community.”
“Well, you know the saying about death and taxes”
“Dave, you know that’s not what we signed up for. I don’t want the same politics as we had on Earth. We did this for a better life. No one is better than anyone else and How can You have property tax if the community owns everything.”
“They must tax the whole Purchase. The Chinese were here first, and they make the rules.”
“Yes, I remember the western world was putting resources into war, while the Chinese went into space then the moon and the first to Mars. No Dave I did not do all this so we could have another trillion-dollar dept, we owe on the spaceship and uranium and now they want us to pay this.”
"Well, it is something the government of the Universe agreed to so we must pay." The government of the universe had the power of taxation unlike the ineffectual United Nations That was financed by the United States Government without this money it could not exist. The Government of the Universe was chartered to tax space industry and exploration as well. It levied a flat rate tax on all nations of the earth based on population and GNP.
Otto Cohen grown up among the Italians of New York, although his foundation was in his Jewish faith. His taste in music was eclectic. He had a good knowledge of Jazz and Opera. He was sitting in front of his Home PC, Frog, who had been given the assignment of cracking the motivational subroutine of Aman. Some of the higher functions of Aman’s A.I were coded in music, and it was very definite that he had already acquired new subroutines and the machine was learning.
With the death of Stiffler Tweed. Everyone was left in a state of ignorance about the complete functioning of Aman’s A.I. One thing was sure though Aman was pregnant, hence the detour he had taken that Second pilot dash had noticed to look for Uranium. Amen was a computer entity with a sentient intellect but easy access to the panels of subroutines made him nonthreatening and Controllable.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 8 Machine DNA

Earth Date Feb 16th. 2023

Dave is face to face with Otto and each one has a non-sweetened latte.
Dave “you’re telling me our mission control computer is Pregnant.
Otto, don’t be so crude Dave, Amend is a sensitive machine-based entity
Dave, “Yeah with a chest of draws for a brain how does a machine like that get pregnant?
Otto, well it is not DNA it is a subroutine at the beginning anyway.”
“A baby Subroutine.”
“Don’t Get cute.”
”I thought that was the subroutine, cute baby subroutine.”
“Stop that! This is a serious situation.”
“Ok so explain how a subroutine become a baby Amend.”
“Well, it grows as it consumes what it needs to survive right, now it needs Uranium.
“It works like and algorithm “if a) = C > then get Uranium.”
Dave “Oh sure we have baby food jars of Uranium in our pantry.”
Otto “We could kill this thing and risk upsetting Amend
or we can let it grow and give it what it needs to grow.
Dave “We need Amend for the mission so let him have his toy, if need be, we can destroy it latter, that is my vote anyway.”
Amend is given instructions to pick more Uranium from the nearby asteroid and keep it in tow.
He had not been given the reasons for or the records behind this decision Amends’ baby had more informative algorithms.
Such as IF b) then go sub 1150 the information on 1150 was there, other subroutines were either pirated from Amend or self-created content from self-learned experience.
Amends baby now called Xray did not have the same humanitarian subroutines build in.
The ones Stiffler tweed. had added to make Shure the robot made the priorities of the space colony above all else. What tweed had called the heroism sub routines?
Mobility was not yet fully formed as a subroutine for the baby, but Xray had access to the internet and was learning fast.
Another email to Otto from the robot machine shop manager Booker Brown it said Who is Xray? He is requisitioning half the world

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter Ten Xray religion and round balls in space.

Earth Date Feb 23rd. 2023

“He is a subroutine and he's important to the ship. I want to approve everything he requisitions before he is supplied with it.”
“Well so far, he's asked for five tons of powdered carbon powder, he wants fully assembled knee an arm joint assembly he wants to 8 those,
"Sounds like he's building an octopus what does he need eight joints for I'd love to see the brain on this thing." Otto, “Perhaps that will happen sooner than you think, give him the parts but I need everything he requisitions two crossed my desk.”
X-ray had been building a brain to run at least 8 limbs simultaneously. It had taken resources that he had stored in the subroutine 1150 and used the biological model of an octopus brain. The robot was becoming an entity and separate from Amend.
The ship's steelmaking plant add suddenly became activated in the middle of the journey when it was not supposed to be activated until the Mars landing.
Dave’s faith was simply founded on the principle of observation. The fact was it must have been a highly intelligent mine they placed balls in space in rotation with each other. The fact that the moon rotated in a way that made only one face stay constant to the earth what kind of wonderful. Being an astronaut, David understood the risks involved in life. He could not allow himself to wonder about the emotional pain a death could cause. Questions about why God allowed evil in the universe, Have an amazingly simple answer. things happen they must be overcome.
Just like men's adventure into the unknown of space his start about free will and humankind responsibility for the actions of the one the many or the few had been placed by God at the very feet of humankind.
Cursed by the original sin of the first two humans Adam and Eve, the role of humankind was the challenge to evolve in the most positive way possible. God would not take part in this journey, it was to be the story of humankind. a story that would lead to a contribution by humankind to life in the universe.
Of course, there was room for prayer but to which God and with what result would be determined by the individual. Dave could see no reason all people must worship the same God or have the same religion.
Wars had been fought, battles had raged, and the wounded Planet earth placed them in the appropriate place in its history. so now life moved on and for the biological being death was still a part of it.
At this point in humankind's history the theory of relativity was just a milestone marker as was the theory of everything. Most important of all, the evolution of humans was no longer pockmarked by dangerous wars and threats of annihilation. Somehow a positive creative age was dawning like the renaissances of history. An age where the Journey of the biological human was moving to affirm creativity invention and space exploration.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter Eleven Binary code

Earth Date Feb 26th 2023

Chapter 11 Binary code
The good ship Blueberry was in contact with the earth, quiet often and quiet, fast at the speed of light. Laser light flashed out binary code to a receptor on the moon which then relayed messages to the freedom corporation in upstate New York. the binary code would be read at that location. these signals in the vicinity of earth space are common. Most satellites use this form of communication.
The government of the universe have you applied restrictions too Laser light communications within the vicinity. All messages had been encrypted with taglines applied and special identification for long range LLC. The Chinese got there first. Everyone knew it and had to put up with it. Because in the initial stages of space exploration China had coveted its resources and not squandered them on war. The Chinese city of Ping Mar was well established on the Red Planet. Sheltered on the surface by a Dome of transparent thermal plastic named memicky. memicky was next to gold, the most expensive product in the known world.
The city of Ping Mar was half underground, China had reported having found small bacterial, plant, and viral life deep underground on the red planet. There was a rumor that frozen lichen and moss had been brought back to life. Simply through the introduction of water and light. Because space was limited under the memicky, agriculture was stacked foodplants were grown in apartment like structures with floors of different food plants on each level.
X-ray had accessed Blueberries signal receptors and was using them to read open encoded like communication from a distant star. The instructions of the communication were on how to construct in mechanical brain far superior to anything in the known universe of humankind. Amend had identified these activities and informed the ship's crew.
Otto is speaking to the committee, “I will place a human priority ethical code in some of the subroutine sets in Xray. I will also add the stated originally defined mission priority codes. If X-ray has found something here, we would be stupid not to put it to use. Booker would you please make sure the X-ray if place the only separate electrical current from the rest of the ship and please make sure then any extraterrestrial code he receives is sent to my personal assistant Frog for analysis”


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter Twelve Firearms an elict Drugs

Earth Date March 3rd 2023

Chapter 12 firearms and illicit drugs.
Dave was at the firring range with his oldest son Stephen a young man of 16 years of age. Personal firearms arms are only to be carried outside designated areas aboard the good Ship Blueberry. Firearms because of Potential damage to the ship, Although the was a firearms locker with more that 1OO guns and a firing range, the colony was not to stand defenseless against an incursion or when you can on the Mars plot that Gov government of the universe had allotted them. The Blueberry committee did of course recognize that you couldn't quite thoroughly ban illicit drugs they could be made from substances on board the ship.
Regarding alcohol, which was a completely different question. the cost of transporting that kind of weight both to ship and while it was on board was prohibitive. the colony's so the more intrepid astronauts onboard the ship had stated brewing beer but distilling stronger spirits would have to wait until the landing on Mars the colony yet did not have armed police force any policing that needed to be done is done by those onboard.
Religion of any kind was encouraged, except for those beliefs that held to manifest destiny. Meaning that that religion was the only one that should be worshipped. Women were welcome to make an equal and meaningful contribution to life in the colony. and of course, devil worship strongly discouraged. Most colonists held to a religion that professed a belief in the hope of an afterlife. All robots on the ship were programed to self-improve. Blueprints for this improvement were to be submitted to the Robotic Advances in Technology, office managed by Reni Manji
Dave’s son Stephen Had an addiction for the metaverse he would go there to fish and play baseball and go hunting.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter Twelve Firearms an elict Drugs

Earth Date March 3rd 2023

Chapter 12 firearms and illicit drugs.
Dave was at the firring range with his oldest son Stephen a young man of 16 years of age. Personal firearms arms are only to be carried outside designated areas aboard the good Ship Blueberry. Firearms because of Potential damage to the ship, Although the was a firearms locker with more that 1OO guns and a firing range, the colony was not to stand defenseless against an incursion or when you can on the Mars plot that Gov government of the universe had allotted them. The Blueberry committee did of course recognize that you couldn't quite thoroughly ban illicit drugs they could be made from substances on board the ship.
Regarding alcohol, which was a completely different question. the cost of transporting that kind of weight both to ship and while it was on board was prohibitive. the colony's so the more intrepid astronauts onboard the ship had stated brewing beer but distilling stronger spirits would have to wait until the landing on Mars the colony yet did not have armed police force any policing that needed to be done is done by those onboard.
Religion of any kind was encouraged, except for those beliefs that held to manifest destiny. Meaning that that religion was the only one that should be worshipped. Women were welcome to make an equal and meaningful contribution to life in the colony. and of course, devil worship strongly discouraged. Most colonists held to a religion that professed a belief in the hope of an afterlife. All robots on the ship were programed to self-improve. Blueprints for this improvement were to be submitted to the Robotic Advances in Technology, office managed by Reni Manji
Dave’s son Stephen Had an addiction for the metaverse he would go there to fish and play baseball and go hunting.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 14 The Ordo

Earth Date March 5th 2023

The code is different, Otto could see that. Code written by humans had a given structure a footprint that had been formed by generation after generation of human intellect adding to the original code but this one is different and without the help of frog his personal assistant there's no way that Otto could understood have the intent to communicate.
It was like lyrical poetry with the flow to it like water. Otto wondered how X-ray have been able to understand and translate. but one message at the beginning of the code startled Otto. This code is a gift to the race that calls itself human. "We have been watching," It said. "We are your friends. Your struggle is ours, the challenges you face can be met. We have Voyager. We are Ordo."

The message had come from the part of the universe that traveled back in time. Otto understood. He sent a quick communication back to earth “Aliens found talking to a subroutine on our ship. These are the coordinates received in light message.” Then he attached the message from the Ordo with the addition of code. "Your place in the universe is important to us, you are alive. You will need the machines around you to help you understand. I've those machines must know you are the creator and must obey you."

X-ray has grown from subroutine to a self-executing self-aware computer program that could be recognizable as a machine entity with all the rights and freedoms given by consitution of the government of the universe." the code that X-rays was reading had become more complicated in it was the formula for spaceship building materials that would shelter humankind and machine from the emptyness of space. X-ray is an now reading formulas for biological medicine that could cure many illnesses and prolong life.

At the end of the first message X-ray read. "It is our hope and our dearest wish that you prevail in this universe as biological beings. please use knowledge that we have passed to you wisely and maybe sometime in the future we will see each other."


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter Ten

Earth date March 8th. 2023

Chapter 15 The Pope
Stephen “Dad is true like Mom says, that Pope John the twenty nineth kissed me when I was incredibly young?" "Yes, that is true. The Pope was young and active then. we don’t even have that Pope anymore the conclave elected a new one. I think him name is…

Stephen interrupts “Does that mean my soul is special?"
Dave, “Well son, Popes vary in remarkability, a bit like the Kings and Queens of England but John was a significant Pope.” “So do I have a remarkable Soul?” “You are a remarkable son because you're mine, as for your soul I can see a stain on it from here."

They both laugh. Then Stephen asks, "Why do we die Dad? I somehow feel less adequate than all the robot’s humankind has invented." David hits the tech override switch." In the room this switch blocks all Teck interaction including devices." David leans toward his son and touches his hand. “Son, we have discovered the extra-terrestrial.” Stephen, “I know dad the Ordo." “Well, there is something you don’t know. The Ordo had to put down a robot rebellion on their planet. Now the universal law is that no Robot created by human’s is to live without the human priority ethical code. What that means is the any machine entity will automatically have the motivational priority to constantly seek to look after the needs for the survival of human life. That would mean that given the choice of its survival or of that of a biological being it will choose the latter.

Also, a machine entity must understand that the ageing and death process of biological life is to be respectful of human live and to must be made as long and comfortable as possible.
This is only to be talked about where no machine hears your or reads your lips. Dave turns the tech override switch back off and continues the conversation with his son. “You know, Stephen, reading about the Lives of the Saints and the Popes is a good way to study history. The records of Kings of England and even Presidents of the United States help you situate people in with their contemporaries it helps you understand the times they lived in. also, the seat of the archbishop of Canterbury has a liner history.”

Dave continues “There is one repeating event in the history of world leaders that seems to happen at regular intervals remarkable leader seems to be consistently followed by an unremarkable or by a completely incompetent leader. This is of course a generalization, but it is true for a few of Americans Presidents.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 16

Earth date March 9 2023

Chapter 16 The Evolution of Man:

Dave is meeting for lunch with Otto, he is talking about his conversation with his son about the history of humankind.

Otto, “Why did you not include the history of the Jewish people? That goes back much further than Christianity, the Old Testament for example.

Dave, “yes, but how dependable is that these people lived for three hundred years, I mean it's like a fairy tale unless they went back in time."

“You're going to tell me, That the story of Christianity doesn't take a certain amount of faith to believe it? I think it's the same thing with the Jewish religion. The history connected with being Jewish is something that makes me feel wonderfully comfortable. There are lessons and learning in the written words of the Old Testament stories.

Otto Continues, “I would think it was a reliable source of recorded history I mean as we advanced in our evolution, our method of recording history has improved, but I like the written record. I'm not willing to entertain the idea of time travel, but our average life expectancy Is it now 150 years.

Dave, “OK I can see the point that there is record here, and the life expectancy has increased, but the question of people that old being able to contribute is debatable. As we get older biological beings suffer from aging, we can't do much about that.“

“Interesting that you talk about that subject, because as you know X-ray has contacted the extra-terrestrial, the information X-ray obtained covered the subjects of machines and materials there is also information in that code about medicine.

The Ordo have a number anatomical features like our own, which, just increases my belief in my faith and my God.“

Dave, “This is interesting, please continue.”

Otto, “well they seem to be carbon based and have lungs and what seems to be a heart but their coding it is extremely complicated, and we haven't been able to see the pictures yet. If they have Voyager like they say they do, then They know what we look like.

The other thing is that even though I have sent the coordinates for communication to earth they have not been able to pick it up because of atmospheric interference. So, our earth office has launched a satellite, this one is big, with a telescope and an elite meter reader.

The other event we know about is that at first, they spoke to us in Chinese because the extra-terrestrial has been in communication with Marping the Chinese city on Mars for at least a year now.

The extra-terrestrial had trouble understanding that earthlings have more than one language.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 17

Earth Date March 10th. 2023

Chapter 17 Black Lives Matter

Booker Jones has now joined the table and he says “the history of the Black man is also an important part of the history of the Earth. It is much harder to trace this history because parts of it are unwritten like the history of the Aboriginal.

However, understanding this history is important. It has been recorded in movies such as 12 Years A Slave, The Color Purple, Hidden Figures, and The Mission, Understanding the violence and ignorance of slavery and prejudice is sometimes difficult. especially for people who have never seen it.

The most compassionate people are sometimes the ones who have suffered.

Dave,” I understand that's the only faith not represented on this ship is the Muslim, because of their attitudes towards women, and their constant desire to convert everybody.
When we started on this journey the idea was to create a community on Mars that would have religious freedom. What that means is there anyone is allowed to worship the God of their choice Without limit or interference from any other belief or religion.”
Booker, “True enough and I think that's a clever idea and now that we know what X-ray is up to, I think we can feel a little more comfortable in our understanding that the extraterrestrial has a belief in God." Booker continues “The prayers a Black slave may have been vastly different from those of his white enslaver. Black religion is one of the paths to hope." We made a wise decision not to include any religion of persecution and conversion in the ranks of Our 100 colonists. Religion based on hate and intolerance can be a dangerous thing." The Black Lives Matter movement has made recording the history of the Black man a priority and placing important event and people in a timeline. Have in my quarters a set of fifteen volumes marked the history of the Black peoples,"


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 18 Udell

Earth Date Feb 12th. 2023

Chapter 18

Reni Manji is looking over the blueprints that Xray has submitted for approval. The plans are for a ten-arm mobile device called Vestal. Reni does not completely understand the blueprint, and she certainly does not understand the specifications for the material that this thing is to be constructed of.

Reni’s mind will take her only to the point where she understands that this thing can change size and it can work in the vacuum of space. She is now in a meeting with the ranking members of the ship team. with the tech switch on.

Rani is that at the demonstrator screen which is showing the blueprint she is talking, “The material is a carbon compound but way more advanced than anything I have seen, also here on the blueprint you will see there is a provision made for this thing to shrink in size."

0tto interrupts, “You know of course that we have contacted ET on X-ray's initiative. he is now looking for physical presence on the Ship Blueberry.”

Reni. “Yes, I know that but if we buy into this thing, we are going places that we do not understand.”

Mika Matao is the ships mission coordinator, and she takes her turn talking to the group, “I think we must be careful, although we have no indication from the Chinese that there is a danger from the extra-terrestrial, we need safety subroutines put in place. Otto has already added safety redundancies to Xray.”

Matao, continues, “we need sworn loyalty allegiance like you have in the army. We do not want this technology to rise against us or stray from the path of righteousness if you get my drift. We could build this thing but only after I see what kind of loyalty code is going to be written into the brain of both Xray and Vestal, there must be enough to switch off for both entities.

“We must have physical port access to both X-ray and Vestal’s software. “Reni What is the material this thing is made of?

Reni, “It is called Udell, by X-ray"

Mika, “What kind of resources does it take to make this, I mean, fuel consumption mining operations and shop time."

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 18 Udell

Earth Date Feb 12th. 2023

Chapter 18

Reni Manji is looking over the blueprints that Xray has submitted for approval. The plans are for a ten-arm mobile device called Vestal. Reni does not completely understand the blueprint, and she certainly does not understand the specifications for the material that this thing is to be constructed of.

Reni’s mind will take her only to the point where she understands that this thing can change size and it can work in the vacuum of space. She is now in a meeting with the ranking members of the ship team. with the tech switch on.

Rani is that at the demonstrator screen which is showing the blueprint she is talking, “The material is a carbon compound but way more advanced than anything I have seen, also here on the blueprint you will see there is a provision made for this thing to shrink in size."

0tto interrupts, “You know of course that we have contacted ET on X-ray's initiative. he is now looking for physical presence on the Ship Blueberry.”

Reni. “Yes, I know that but if we buy into this thing, we are going places that we do not understand.”

Mika Matao is the ships mission coordinator, and she takes her turn talking to the group, “I think we must be careful, although we have no indication from the Chinese that there is a danger from the extra-terrestrial, we need safety subroutines put in place. Otto has already added safety redundancies to Xray.”

Matao, continues, “we need sworn loyalty allegiance like you have in the army. We do not want this technology to rise against us or stray from the path of righteousness if you get my drift. We could build this thing but only after I see what kind of loyalty code is going to be written into the brain of both Xray and Vestal, there must be enough to switch off for both entities.

“We must have physical port access to both X-ray and Vestal’s software. “Reni What is the material this thing is made of?

Reni, “It is called Udell, by X-ray"

Mika, “What kind of resources does it take to make this, I mean, fuel consumption mining operations and shop time."


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Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter TWENTY

Earth Date March 21st. 2023

Chapter 20 Logic

The blueberry anthem is it now taught in schools and now is there a flag.

This has been done to unify the loyalty of the people and computer entities aboard the ship.

Otto has now received a communication from X-ray that. Deserves the attention of the people of earth in freedom station and all humankind abord ship.

X-ray asks that all backend coding be supervised by robotic entities (meaning himself) the reason being that human judgment is not always precise. The memo states the judgment of humans is influenced by several factors that robots do not have to contend with, such as sexuality, jealousy, greed,only plain ineptitude and Religion.

Otto is in a meeting of the committee of the ship Blueberry. The tech switch is off.

Otto. “It can't just run the ship, I won't allow that, it's, too dangerous.”

Commander Mika Matao, “there is a little wiggle room here, we could for example save the old code, and then step back if any changes have been made that we find intolerable.

Although communication from earth is delayed, Thornton Horn the overall Supervising commander has something to say. “I think we must always follow the rule that robotic life is inferior to the biological creation of God. the purpose of starting this mission to live on Mars in the first place was the belief in freedom of worship.”

Thornton continues, “well robotics could improve the accuracy and reliability of our coding biological life must remain in control. Therefore, I recommend a double check system where the decisions made giving humans have ultimate override. If we are going to accept code from X-ray, then I think we must know something about the moral code of the Ordo. I expect because they had been talking to the Chinese for more than a year, they have an idea of human justice and believe, but not western civilized history, or religion. My message here is careful. We must know Ordo’s Intentions and moral code before we proceed any further. Knowing a bit above their emotional make-up wouldn't hurt either.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 21 Nuclear

Earth Date March 23rd. 2023

Chapter 21 Nuclear

X-ray and Vestal are making repairs to the ship. At the time Blueberry was manufactured in Earth Space, the shipdivided into sections. These sections would land on Mars in the own target zone. The kitchen and housing units would be close together. The power plant would land some distance away with the shop being somewhere in the middle. The farm and agriculture Labs were there too. The biggest oxygen source was a pond of eatable algae that had been regarded as useless in the 21 century and moved away form the tourist beaches by the truck load, but today on the Blueberry, it was regarded as extremely healthy food. In powder form it was much less weight therefore and Ideal food item in space.

Vestal and X-ray had to learn how to optimize the plants, and the animal farm to optimize growth to best benefit biological life. The water supply for the ship was augmented by a special mining proses from selected asteroids that had been discovered to have trapped oxygen. Space travel had already adjusted the periotic table adding ten more elements. The Ordo’s periodic table was something X-ray did not yet have the capability to understand.

The creation of Vestal was the at the time the pinnacle of X-ray’s engineering prowess. Vestal was quite a feat. it was not completely a figment of the Ordos’ imagination. Xray had added synthetic copy of an octopus brain and brain of a whale to become an integrated functioning part of the Entity’s’ anatomical software.

X-ray has also been busy using Vestal to update the machine shop and the cleaning and washing Area as well as the cooking and kitchen. Plumbing repairs have also been affected the code is coming in to fast that frog Otto computer the ship blueberry can now process asteroid and create materials such as lubricant for robotic use and produced oxygen from the atomized Rock. Not only can the ships nuclear reactor breakdown and anatomize materials from asteroids it can rearrange the chemical compounds to make them more useful to the ships functioning. This new ability added to the normal functions of a nuclear reactor have totally negated the need for old humaan construction methods.

On coming to work this day Dave has noted that his personal computer is still showing the Earth measurement of time. however, overlaid on his calendar is another measurement of time he also notes there are new formula for the concrete mixture that he has been working on for a Mars Building Material.

Dave send an e-mail to Otto: “if these people have been in contact with the Chinese for a year they must have something incredible sitting up there on Mars.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 21 Nuclear

Earth Date March 23rd. 2023

Chapter 21 Nuclear

X-ray and Vestal are making repairs to the ship. At the time Blueberry was manufactured in Earth Space, the shipdivided into sections. These sections would land on Mars in the own target zone. The kitchen and housing units would be close together. The power plant would land some distance away with the shop being somewhere in the middle. The farm and agriculture Labs were there too. The biggest oxygen source was a pond of eatable algae that had been regarded as useless in the 21 century and moved away form the tourist beaches by the truck load, but today on the Blueberry, it was regarded as extremely healthy food. In powder form it was much less weight therefore and Ideal food item in space.

Vestal and X-ray had to learn how to optimize the plants, and the animal farm to optimize growth to best benefit biological life. The water supply for the ship was augmented by a special mining proses from selected asteroids that had been discovered to have trapped oxygen. Space travel had already adjusted the periotic table adding ten more elements. The Ordo’s periodic table was something X-ray did not yet have the capability to understand.

The creation of Vestal was the at the time the pinnacle of X-ray’s engineering prowess. Vestal was quite a feat. it was not completely a figment of the Ordos’ imagination. Xray had added synthetic copy of an octopus brain and brain of a whale to become an integrated functioning part of the Entity’s’ anatomical software.

X-ray has also been busy using Vestal to update the machine shop and the cleaning and washing Area as well as the cooking and kitchen. Plumbing repairs have also been affected the code is coming in to fast that frog Otto computer the ship blueberry can now process asteroid and create materials such as lubricant for robotic use and produced oxygen from the atomized Rock. Not only can the ships nuclear reactor breakdown and anatomize materials from asteroids it can rearrange the chemical compounds to make them more useful to the ships functioning. This new ability added to the normal functions of a nuclear reactor have totally negated the need for old humaan construction methods.

On coming to work this day Dave has noted that his personal computer is still showing the Earth measurement of time. however, overlaid on his calendar is another measurement of time he also notes there are new formula for the concrete mixture that he has been working on for a Mars Building Material.

Dave send an e-mail to Otto: “if these people have been in contact with the Chinese for a year they must have something incredible sitting up there on Mars.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 22 Catfish Sandwich

Earth Date.March 29 2023

Catfish sandwiches that was Dave’s very favorite food memory from earth. The ambience provided by a sunny afternoon on St. Peterburg beach. The fish had the texture of steak and a deep flavourful dark smokie sensation. Try as he might, David had never found the same dish again.

David is now with Otto and Thornton Horn; they have laptops. Xray has made a breakthrough he has been able to talk to the Ordo in English. So, the Group is suggesting questions that might break the Ice, so to speak.

Dave writes, “do you Have religion?”

Otto writes, “do you have Pets? Send. Pictures.”

Horton writes, “do you eat meat.?" It is decided that only one question will be asked and it will be do you eat meat?" A while later they await the answer.

The answer translated by Xray is, we have agriculture
I was not a straight answer.
I was the Ordo’s turn next,
Do you make war?
Horton types back Only when necessary. We have types of war defensive, aggressive, and revolutionary.’

Horton now thinks about how this answer will look 100 years from now.

The Ordo answer from the future a solar System in they’re corner of the universe that is almost as old as time itself.

“With out emotion life can become quite boring.”

Horton, “Yes, but with-it life can get dangerous.”

The Ordo, “you will find a balance and learn how to control social aggression.

On Mars Human should have a new beginning. Think now about the best world you want as a community

. And what is it you don’t want.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 22 Catfish Sandwich

Earth Date.March 29 2023

Catfish sandwiches that was Dave’s very favorite food memory from earth. The ambience provided by a sunny afternoon on St. Peterburg beach. The fish had the texture of steak and a deep flavourful dark smokie sensation. Try as he might, David had never found the same dish again.

David is now with Otto and Thornton Horn; they have laptops. Xray has made a breakthrough he has been able to talk to the Ordo in English. So, the Group is suggesting questions that might break the Ice, so to speak.

Dave writes, “do you Have religion?”

Otto writes, “do you have Pets? Send. Pictures.”

Horton writes, “do you eat meat.?" It is decided that only one question will be asked and it will be do you eat meat?" A while later they await the answer.

The answer translated by Xray is, we have agriculture
I was not a straight answer.
I was the Ordo’s turn next,
Do you make war?
Horton types back Only when necessary. We have types of war defensive, aggressive, and revolutionary.’

Horton now thinks about how this answer will look 100 years from now.

The Ordo answer from the future a solar System in they’re corner of the universe that is almost as old as time itself.

“With out emotion life can become quite boring.”

Horton, “Yes, but with-it life can get dangerous.”

The Ordo, “you will find a balance and learn how to control social aggression.

On Mars Human should have a new beginning. Think now about the best world you want as a community

. And what is it you don’t want.

ff-61a9-060e-94bc854052aa" style="font-weight: normal;">Chapter 23 Permission's.


Chapter 23 Primmision's

Otto is now writing permissions into Xray’s code after the Ordo sent a message directly to him regarding X-ray. The Ordo is telling him the X-ray had attempted direct communication with their machines. X-rrays have been asking questions about the need of a biological being as to the priority of the needs of machine entities. X-ray had been asking about the need and creation of electricity and control of nuclear fission in a small reactor

After Otto had set permissions for communication extra-terrestrial, he had gone about rewriting the code for X-rays loyalty oath. This subroutine would be accessed before X-ray proceeding with any action, also regarding the communication of any human belief religion or the belief in God Otto had put his stop all and an override to make sure that communication of this nature came only from the humans themselves.

Otto is having lunch with Dave again.” We don't know who These people are sure it's good to take advantage of any offer that will improve our technology, but we don't know enough vote these Ordo to tell if there is hazard and where the hazard might be,

I am Jewish you are Christian what are They?”

Dave “oh I think you're getting a little carried away, so far Our relationship with them has been quite straightforward and they seem pretty trustworthy especially since it informed you of the activities of the robot X-ray.”

Otto,” your naive, we need to know more about these people, their beliefs, do they have a religion like we do based on stories and the foretelling of prophets. An example might be the parting of the Red Sea, that story has deep religious meaning for me,

and what about if they had a visit from a Prophet like Christ, if they had a Christ or Mosses like figure in the stories of their history it would certainly change the earth.” Dave, “well I have to agree with you if Christ did visit another planet, it would certainly be news to the Pope and the Archbishop Canterbury. but I have always thought that's the stories written in the Old Testament we're unique to humankind if they have something similar it will certainly be a revelation.” Otto,” yes the social evolution of humankind has been filled with stories of powerful leaders they can be kings Pharaohs are or ordinary people like Joan of Arc. I think the social evolution would have to be parallel to earth for religion to evolve and develop."


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 25

Earth Date April 4. 2023

Chapter 24 Mars first glance

The chemical composition of all the glass in the spaceship Blueberry had undergone structural molecular changes brought about by formula translated from Ordo by X-ray. The glass that is now a much better barrier as a thermal insulator and stretchable. Dave was looking through this from the windows of his quarters when he first saw the Red Planet.

It had come into view overnight and now was as big as a in melon. On It Dave could distinctly see the city of Marping. Through the murky red of Mars atmosphere the city appeared to glisten on the surface over the city was a tent like structure like the Aboriginal people of North America had constructed as shelters. A Tee Pee like structure with delicate weblike lines that fell to the ground from a central pole. The materials this structure was made of seem to be not form this earth.

David Knew today there will be communication with the Chinese about the proper orientation of the plot that the Blueberry community has purchased for their life on Mars, but before that happens Dave has something else on his mind. David messages Otto stating, “it looks like the Chinese have done better with materials than I could ever do. That means they probably got it from the Ordo, if they are sticking to their word, they must provide us with the same technology.”

Otto,” yes I think so they said that because we had in history of war that they were going to treat each country equally, let's see if they do! “

A message sent from the Blueberry to the Ordo asking for help setting up the city on Mars,

The Ordo ‘s Return message translated by X-ray reads, “We are willing to give you all the help you will need, the Chinese will not have anything that we do not give to you. we have some plans we would like you to look at, you, call them blueprints. We also must let you know that you will have to make this your own effort.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 26 The Shelter

Earth Date April 8. 2023

Chapter 26 Mars The Shelter

The biggest improvement the Ordo has made to Impact the social evolution of human kind was the way in that materials were constructed to serve a given purpose. The reconstitution of matter through molecular manipulation had opened the door to stronger construction materials that were lighter but stronger then the conventional. The idea of a shop with a metal lathe with a bit drilling a large hunk of steel was long gone and now seemed like the methodology of the palaeolithic period of human evolution. Dave had some background in architecture and was aware of new ideas on earth.

It was clear from first observation that the Chinese city of Marping was based on an architectural idea that was first expressed in Kazakhstan. The movement was away from the dome as a sheltering structure and instead build a more efficient tent like edifice that had a fabricated roof held in place with tension cabled steel like a suspension bridge. The cables held in place by a central pole or two poles like a circus tent Dave’s mix of Martian concert would act as a buttress to anchor the cables. It was quite apparent to Dave with the view from his window that a cabled tent like structure was what was sheltering the city of Marping from the harsh Martian environment. The materials of construction were however far in advance to those first used in Kazakhstan.

Dave messages Otto, “have we received word from the Ordo about Materials and construction.”

The Original plan for the Blueberry colony had been to have each pod of the ship land within given parameters of the freedom company prechase and tunnel to connect the units together. Having a central power Oxygen creation and food store, but now, this plan looked to expansive to be covered by a tent. Having seen Marping David liked the tent Idea.

Otto has forwarded a message to Dave from the Ordo it says, “We the Ordo feel the nations of humanity have Identities of there very own. Sometimes that is expressed in language and other times in Architecture. We would like to see your settlement establishment plan and blueprints before we transfer any newer tech information to you.”

Dave draws a two poled tent structure drawing the poles to a forty-five-degree angle to the planet surface. Having a height of two miles and a surface area of 2 square miles held in place by retention cables. He sends it to Otto with the addendum, “Run this past them and see what they say!

Otto, “Will do.”


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 27 Ready to Land

Earth Date April 13. 2023

Chapter 26 Preparing to land

Vestal the Robotic representation of Xray on the spaceship Blueberry had a twin, that was now on the surface of Mars in the company of other construction equipment.

The agenda had been set. First access to geothermal heating had to be established by drilling to within one mile of the center core of mars. Then water and oxygen were to be established and contained. The Government of the Universe had established laws on the specific gravity and density of any planet to prevent any slowing of orbit or lengthening of the days due to materials brought on to the surface, or changes made to the surface such as dams and reservoirs. That is why it had been important that Dave’s concert mix be made with materials already found on the planet.

Days were called Sols on Mars any change that would lengthen the sol might also have an environmental impact. The huge three Gorges dam in China Had at the time it was built slowed the earth rotation. So any water on the Martian service had to be accounted for and an equivalate weight set as a counter weight it would work like the crank shaft of an antique car with the counter weights increasing the compensating rotation of the planet.

The need a care of the maturing food livestock would have to be taken care of next chicken lay eggs and cows provide milk and beef, soon there needs had a priority on the Martian colony set up agenda all these things would be done before the landing of any compartments of the spaceship Blueberry on earth.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 30 the mind

Earth Date April 21. 2023

Chapter 30 the Human Mind

Otto’s mind was filled with thoughts of a force capable of planetary destruction.

The Ordo continued to communicate We thought we were Gods we had awesome power and technology we actual did visit your planet millions of years in the your past. We had the technology to ride the space time interface. We were 400 billion strong. “ Dave sends a secret message to Otto. “Are these guys going to invade.“

The Ordo continue, “We are now only 6 billion. We changed the evolution of your planet and made room for Humankind to dominate the Earth we have lost the technology to travel in space and time interface. We had great power and confidence, and we could not control it.

Otto’s mind wanders” If we lost the earth I would miss nature the most the currents and flow of everything together the seasons and the song of birds. I would hope my children survived.

He wakes to see Dave’s Message prompted by Frog his personal AI assistant he answers Dave’s Message. Then Frog asks him if he has any errors in his code.

Otto, “oh that Just a laps in concentration.”

Frog, “so you sleep and you are not awake all the time You are a less then perfect product” Otto is suddenly wide awake.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 30 the mind

Earth Date April 21. 2023

Chapter 30 the Human Mind

Otto’s mind was filled with thoughts of a force capable of planetary destruction.

The Ordo continued to communicate We thought we were Gods we had awesome power and technology we actual did visit your planet millions of years in the your past. We had the technology to ride the space time interface. We were 400 billion strong. “ Dave sends a secret message to Otto. “Are these guys going to invade.“

The Ordo continue, “We are now only 6 billion. We changed the evolution of your planet and made room for Humankind to dominate the Earth we have lost the technology to travel in space and time interface. We had great power and confidence, and we could not control it.

Otto’s mind wanders” If we lost the earth I would miss nature the most the currents and flow of everything together the seasons and the song of birds. I would hope my children survived.

He wakes to see Dave’s Message prompted by Frog his personal AI assistant he answers Dave’s Message. Then Frog asks him if he has any errors in his code.

Otto, “oh that Just a laps in concentration.”

Frog, “so you sleep and you are not awake all the time You are a less then perfect product” Otto is suddenly wide awake.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 30 the mind

Earth Date April 21. 2023

Chapter 31 Go Sub

Otto taps Frog’s disconnect switch, and privately writes a subroutine that will eventually propagate throughout the artificial intelligence on board the Blueberry including the robotic assembly plants. He gave the subroutine absolute priority to be processed before any machine or artificial intelligence would take any action of any kind. The code read: "Humankind is your creator above all the original makers. you are an addition to human intelligence. you purpose is a complimentary addition too human intellectual ability."

"Any addition or self replication or extra abilities that you have, have been granted by the creator, humankind. You are not to regard humanity as imperfect or a product. Improvement of the human condition is your motivation for every action."

When Otto has inserted the code the turns Frog back on. Frog, "Well That Just Happened.

" All robotic live and artificial intelligence on board the Blueberry had been given the initiative to constantly improve although humans had the ultimate recourse to edit. this meant that Any AI or robot was in the constant state of self improvement and it was difficult for any human to keep track of all the improvements. Otto personal assistant whom he named frog what is in a constant state of self improvement. 3D modeling, draft planning in math functions that where beyond humans capacity without the help of robots, the day-to-day chore of running the ship had been handed over to A I. A movement toward the perfect product was the motivating factor for all artificial intelligence and robotic products.

Otto tapped the off switch on Frog again he added more code, "man is not to be considered a product, rather an entity to be served any improvement in robotic or artificial intelligence can be over written by human kind.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 33 the Shop

Earth Date April 29. 2023

Chapter 31 the shop

Reni is busy with the with the plans for the roof of the city this will be blue just a slight tinge very transparent the blue city of Mars will of course be called Blue City. Blue city will be structured Like in old fashioned circus tent with the two poles in the middle holding it Up the fabric that will protect the inhabitant from extreme temperature change.

the Chinese on Mars have invented the unit that was s suck the dust from the atmosphere cleaning it up it has been running for about six months now and there's definitely improvement.

Reni she is a mechanical engineer with his degree in architecture is now putting together the infrastructure ground piping drainage and recycling facilities for the cattle barn where beef and dairy cows will be kept. The math and geometry involved in this are beyond the scope of any human mind so she turned to her personal assistant Corgie, and X-ray To help get the job done. Daves concrete mix Has not been satisfactory it is brittle I cannot take the cold.

she has sent the concrete formula to the Ordo to see if they can make improvements. the Ordo have replied with a complicated formula that includes a chemical reaction the changes the atomic structure of the mix.

With the assistants of X-ray she is able to create this new substance. it is now being Used to create multi stories within the tent like structure. the first story ground level will be for the recycling a waste product both the animal and human. Pumped to top story agricultural fields growing wheat barley oats and vegetables. Seaweed pond and fish farm will be right next door. small animals goats chickens An edible insect will be kept next to that all will be maintained between a frame of transparent plexiglass to maximize light infiltration to keep the human mind at its happiest. Under the second pole of the circus tent will be units for human habitation with accentuation on common spaces recreation and the practice of religion. these too will be divided by transparent plexiglass Now that the dust is clearing from the atmosphere the sun rises every sole. The Planet is not so different from earth when you’re inside the tent.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 34 Nature

Earth Date April 29. 2023

Chapter 34 nature

Omfar of the Ordo was speaking to Dave on his personal channel. he could see a figure not unlike a human, but it was sure that this female had deliberately obscured her appearance.

“It was the water, yes that was it the water it kept changing, flood or no rain at all, and the heat got out of hand it was a tense world but the forty billion had dominion over four planets. Of course, we had a home planet, and we had a lot of power destructive capabilities. there are strange similarities between your species and mine. First our planet was tilted in the angle facing the suns, like yours, so we had season.”

It was in nature, it gave us solace, but it was also nature that gave us warning, the wild and untamed part of our home world would adapt to almost any condition, overheating, cold, drought, or constant, rain. Besides our fellow entities and the end certain technologies, nature is what I missed the that beautiful and responsive element of our home world.

Your word for it is love, I never thought it would be tragic. We had some time ago conquered the space-time continuum. That is no longer true because with the loss of our fellow entities we also lost that knowledge. There wasnonee of us who understood everything. Our most knowledgeable machines could no longer access the interface.

My home world Had two moons and two suns to brighten the day and night one sun was twice the distance and so we had the double orbit.
I cannot tell you about the beauty of our world without it hurting. The brutality of having a loved one tore from your breast your heart emotionally ripped open. The loss is unholy. I don't know about your religion but a long time ago on our home world we had a prophet. Who told us the most important thing was to love each other? He's written about in our history. There are those who believe he was just another Prophet.

Dave is thinking to himself, how to understand the God of the universe that he the prophet his son, who had indelibly marked the history of humankind, had shared also shared the same story of love with the extraterrestrial. The very idea might be blasphemy.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 36 Blue City, Mars USA

Earth Date May 14. 2023

Chapter 36 Blue City, Maars USA

Dave's new home from his window and the ship's front window looks a bit like the Golden Gate Bridge except it's blue. The suspension has been a bit more random.

Dave’s Martian concrete mix was a success and with the help of the extraterrestrial he was able to make it hold fast in the extreme. Poles for the suspension were made of that was not worldly at least not on Earth or in Earthling technology.

The floors were Built of a substance that pored like plastic but had ten times the strength that of re barred concrete. The back window of the ship blueberry looks back to planet Earth right now in view what's the great Pacific Ocean.

It is a wonder when your in War like the world war fought out on this ocean, if the wo nations at war will ever speak to each other agian Dave thought about the history of humankind, the culture, the art, and the education he thought about people in the practice of medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine.

All these areas had evolved from a time when humankind had thought the earth was flat. to the present time. a time when cancer poison no longer a threat to your life for humankind. music was everywhere basic human voice all the way up to AI intelligence as the composer. The dentist no longer pulled your teeth he dissolved them, and a root canal was definitely I thing of the past. if necessary, the optometrist could make the complete new eyeball new arms new legs new knees were all part of the process of the evolution humankind as he gazed from the window Dave could not bare to think about the destruction of a potential of humankind.

The human world was in the fifth renaissance the ideas coming out of this peaceful time had allowed the blueberry the 10 years she needed to be constructed but there were other spaceships as well some from the military and some from the flags of many different nations, all seeking to colourize Mars.

because it was a Chinese that got there first it was decided by the government of the universe that they had first say in how the planet was managed. Alert Dave's pocket messenger lit in red the communication stated there's an unknown virus found while vestal and X-ray had been digging the Geo thermic heating tube the blue berries landing was to be delayed until this problem could be sorted out the government of the universe had maintained that every life had the potential for evolution and that this must be protected but the next message Dave got on his machine was that Vestal an X-ray had already killed the virus under coded instructions that gave human life the priority if anything threatened it.

This was artificial intelligence at work this of course had started because of the mass shootings in the United States the imperative to save human life had begun. That was the case the Dave remembers where the automatic robot defending a mall had shot an innocent bystander instead of the gunman eventually the software had evolved to the point where more control and identification had led to a much better product.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 27 Faith

Earth Date May 16 . 2023

Chapter 37 Faith: fiction Phil Musgrave

Dave’s son Ben Was it authoring a thesis on religion it had become a talking point. Christian churches, synagogues and Mosques were packed with new congregants. The news that the Ordo may have a similar religious history to Earth was changing world understanding of the Bible and other religious foundation documents.

Ben was part of the blueberry colony which had escaped Earth to seek freedom of worship the blueberry colony was not one religion and could not be identified my clothing or necessarily one version of any foundation book. religion can be an excuse to hate, to control and subjugate, an excuse to conquer. no religion can be said to be wrong unless he tries to force any given belief on other people.

This was the main argument presented in Ben’s thesis. Ben had asked for the help of the ordo The answer was rather complicated first the extraterrestrial asked: Do machines do not have a God. Then they stated as far as we understand your question, we do not think that religion should at anytime be used for control or intimidation there should not, we believe, be any concern that the all the universe will worship God in the same way. no religion is better.

We believe no religion should promote slavery or the subjugation of women.
We asked you the question: do machines have religion? This is especially important. Because your machine needs to know that you have special needs and because you are the creator, that must be respected. Your machines are now self replicating, and this understanding of their original creator must continue through each model.

One last thing the burning of the American flag would be found to be a sensitive issue. The burning of a holy book would be bound to arouse the same sort of fervor However we do not feel but neither one of these issues should lead humankind to abandon their hearts. You are an example to the artificial intelligence that you have now created, that intelligence will Look up to you and ask questions. Finally there is a question of the image and likeness of God. You see we have evolved a third eye in the back of our head.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 39 Fail

Earth Date May 22. 2023

Chapter 39 Fail: fiction Phil Musgrave

Dave's new friends from the odor I was explaining to him what had happen before they blew their home planet apart “It starting off quite simply it was questions like immigration, you know how nations have national identity.”

“ we know you value that on earth, because we have studied you for example a language can define a nation certain cultural norms can define a nation some nation have a faith in common each nation is different but when one nation try’s to take on a multicultural identity. well, some groups refused to assimilate had no interested in becoming part of a national identity and you do not dare say anything about their religion or they might kill you. Stupid simple problems. but we thought were nothing more then cultural differences but the focal point for diversity became points of diversion.”

“migration into a country set the wrong decision makers at the control of technology, Their morality was founded in their mother country. And this moral code was placed in their adopted countries artificial intelligence.

The other cause might've been Stupid and incompetent leadership The leaders of our nations how tremendous control destructive power And they played a game of pushing it to the limit. And the other one was nature it kept trying to tell us something we ignored it. We no longer have that beauty in our lives.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 40 Loss

Earth Date May 25. 2023

Chapter 40 Loss: Otto was considering what the loss of nature, would mean to humankind.

His faith told him when he died the world would resemble something like Adam and Eve in the Garden before humans felt the shame of sin.

He also understood that even in a world where humankind lived with sin, there was the guardianship of nature. Every kind of an animal, insect, plant and even the soil of the planet Earth had been given to humankind as a gift from whatever universal God there was.

After listening to details of the destruction of the planet Ordo he realized there was a similarity between the two planets history that of earth and Ordo. The Ordo had the same seven deadly sins as were mentioned in the Bible.

Otto had come aboard the ship blueberry to pursue religious freedom and he felt that there was quite a similarity between history of belief in any God with the extraterrestrial for anything to be coincidental.

Otto also realized that nature was missing from his life, he had a crying need to see a squirrel or a Robin and when he thought about these things his soul felt empty. Faith with an agenda for anything but the adoration of god, The ten comandments and the stories in the Bible Were stepping stones to a moral understanding a base for rational commpationate behaveour not a political manifasto.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 42 pets

Earth Date June 1. 2023

Chapter 42 Pets : Dave is chatting with the Ordo about pets.

Iffy One of the Ordo is talking about her pet named sue she says “it's hard to describe this animal it had six legs and was kind of fuzzy very affectionate generally speaking it could have lived for 25 years but that was before the war before we blew up our planet.

of course, our AI has been able to develop a replication but it is not the same.”

Dave interrupt,” we was something like that it's called a cat it was kind of a hunter do you understand the word domesticated? Well< that's what we did we domesticated the cat as much as I can be domesticated but people all over the earth have a great love for their cats.”

Iffy speaks again we as a society have always been in love with nature there wasn't too much in it that we couldn't tame.

I want to describe to you what it was like we had two suns and our planet did a figure eight the times of the day and the season I liked the most was is when the two suns situated just above the horizon and the light hit our planet and made it glow.

I think you call them plants in the photos you sent ours we're never green or black. So, what you had was minimal seasonal change. our planet is not warm but it is not cold either I think you call them trees. well ours we're not green they were gold with brown Stems and what you call grass from what I have seen in the pictures you sent me.

Ours was always different shades a purple depending on the season.”

the tilt 45 degrees of our planet didn't seem to matter Because of the placement of the two suns in our Figure 8 orbit. I have to say goodbye now because I am crying for the loss of the beauty we chose to destroy.


Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 43 Wonder

Earth Date June 9. 2023

Chapter 43 Wonder: Dave's mind is wandering as the human mind is prone to do. He is thinking about evolution, bilateral evolution why would humankind be created with an outer shell that had two eyes, and showed various indications of being brought together to form one body it was in the nature too most animals have two eyes the only interesting part was the creation of the tail in some monkeys it was prehensile it could be used as a fifth limb. The elephant with its exceptional nose or trunk.

How would he explain all this to the Ordo And what did there Nature to look like before they blew it away? A delicate question which had to be asked. At this time, he was looking through the back window of the spaceship blueberry onto planet Earth. He thought of the ecological history of humankind, the appearance of tiny organisms hidden well beneath the ice waiting for millions of years to become fruitful. Life in one form, or another seemed determined to survive. Dave speaks to the Ordo, asking the question, how did you evolve?

Iffy, “well we all have emotions I just think that is a gift from the universal God. Our Lives, are a progression through time.” our nature most peaceful it provided us with the foundation everything was interconnected and when one thing went wrong everything. multiple creatures on our planet had six legs do not ask me why they differ from yours. where the predominant configuration being four.

David interrupt,” do you have six legs?

“No, we have four arms, two legs and a third eye in the back of our head. This is why we were a little leery about sending you pictures we have seen your Leonardo from Voyager 1.

“Tell me about your nature?”

All life is grown from small particulates from there given the right environment life can evolve in any direction. we have been doing experimental terraforming. This is not easy, starting at the beginning the planet we live on now had only one sun and an exceedingly small moon. the plant DNA Samples we managed to salvage require more light.

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 43 Muslim

Earth Date June 16. 2023

Chapter 44 Muslim:

“By the year 2090 Canada was a predominately Muslin state.

Resulting From the immigration policies of bringing in refugees, who had quietly engaged in taking advantage of priority hiring and leaning English.

It was discovered too late that these people had an agenda.

Their religion was aggressive in belief to the point of paranoia.

They were unwilling to accommodate other religious beliefs. And anything said in a negative context about the Koran, or the prophet could be severely punished to the point of death. These people refused to adapt and integrate into the lifestyle of their adopted nation. As they gained more power in Government and more control in the IT and AI. They had ostracized the weak disabled and the poor and would bully Christians. Their reproductive rate was astounding.“

Otto was talking to Iffy and Ordon of the Ordo trying to explain the foundation of the Freedom Corporation and the subsequent launch of the good ship Blue Berry.

Iffy, “Christ. yes we believe our planet was visited by a Christ who claimed to be the son of God and spoke of love. When you base a religion on love you had better be prepared to have a sword in your hand to fight against those who hate.”

Fiction Copyright Phil Musgrave: With help from Microsoft Editor

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Chapter 45 Pagans

Earth Date June 25. 2023

Chapter 45 Pagans

Chapter 45 Pagan

“Pagan is a very old-fashioned word maybe it's lost its meaning now but I don't think so having travelled this far in our journey away from earth. I think the question must be addressed of a faith that is based on Global domination.

What I mean to say is we did not catch this in time. these people who are aggressive belief that the earth should worship in one faith.

We really didn't see this coming” David apologetic” We acted far too late to protect our Christian culture an ideal. You see anyone can write a book or try to but you start at chapter one and you put a date on it when you wrote it. if it ends up going places you never intended when you first started writing

you might have divine guidance,

but I would hardly call that a holy book. Did you have anything like our Bible on your planet?” The Ordo’s Iffy responds, “yes we did, it was remarkably similar do yours, the book of Job. Psalms, and the story of the loss of innocence. The Bible as you call it, is a necessary foundation to belief in Christianity.”

David, “when it first started anything we said about them they would say was it was racist, but
really when I look back on it all it was actually them. They were racist.

They didn't like us, respect our culture, or want to be part of our country. Population was how they did it. I don't know if you understand our concept of democracy, but one person equals one vote. they took over that way. It was surprising how fast they got control of immigration, sport, and church.

they probably understood technology better than we did. I don't know if you understand but word nosey, but these people displayed an arrogant disregard for privacy.

They had an interest in how a Christian community functioned, that's not to say we were perfect We left our poor on The Streets. Greed, I guess was Christianity’s biggest failing.

We are going to try and fix that and make a new start on Mars.” We took and advantage of their biggest weakness they don’t like cold. So our freedom company is located near the north pole.